Page 71 - ISSUE27
P. 71
The Hill’s associated with the TLD KTM Team seemed to turn into mountains when viewing the Unadilla landscape. Each portion of the track, a figurative and dreaded climb, littered with obstacles and setbacks, all awaiting a rider to lapse in focus, and crash to the ground. Little Hill sat ninth as the bell rang for moto
one, nestled between Arnaud Tonus and Mitch Harrison. Pounding the rocky portion of mother earth in which the track had been placed, Justin spent a good chunk of the moto dodging boulders, all the while clicking through the gearbox. HOLD UP.
Let’s run it back, a red flag caused a complete restart, and pushed Hill a little further back than he would have liked, in 14th. Digging through the field, Hill was mounting a surge through some of the best professional pilots on the planet. Inching into the top ten by the halfway point, he had his sights set on riders such as Hampshire and teammate, Oldenburg. After a holding his teammates and other competitors at the tip of his sword, they reluctantly gave in, and Hill would eventually obtain fifth. Let’s double down on the cards we played in the first moto, and come away with another spectacular finish; that’s exactly what Hill did for the beginning of moto two. Fifth in the opening stages, the number 36 pushed all the negativity to the wayside and showed the true talent he possessed. Every lap was another opportunity for him to chip away at the lap time sheet, really catching the eye of all fans and mechanics in attendance. The number 36 would bring home a fourth place and fourth overall on the day.