P. 5
“The Invite” (Road Race Amateur National C E L E B R A T I O N) VROOM VROOM
MPG Marketing:
We can make a much larger and more prestigious event by doing this event the first year as an invite only.
Dunlop stands to gain a true grass roots prestigious flavor by not only doing the event... But everything that will come along with the campaign leading up to it.
With the requested budget of 50K, MPG is very confident - to not only create the most Organic social “PURPOSE DRIVEN” campaign ever - But we potentially could create the largest attended amateur road race event ever held in the UNITED STATES for the DO- ERS.
PLEASE look at this as a Marketing effort... When we say INVITE, We can do a Nationwide talent search of sorts. So, the campaign can be done in the form of
“Do you have what it takes” - We can get insanely creative by using dealers and other outlets to get riders excited about the chance to perform in front of seasoned eyes.