P. 13
There’s a lot of history in Bob’s Cycle Sup- ply - stickers all over the place, a million helmets lining the walls, you can just feel the history and that’s just something that
you can’t fake.
Yeah, and another concept that I mentioned that we still believe in is to support the beginner riders. I don’t care who you are, there’s nothing better than see-
ing someone in for their first pair of motocross boots. Nowadays there’s even a lot of younger kids which you didn’t see back in the day, but that’s something that Bob loved and that’s been a part of our business. We love to get new people into the sport and experience that learning; that’s the funnest time, ya know. More so than when you’re in the A class and you’re running for points -- that’s fun, but it’s a different kind of fun. The learning curve is great and Bob’s has always sup- ported that big time. One thing that Bob’s has always been known for -- back to when I first started -- Bob’s stocked motocross boots. That’s what his passion was. Back in the 70’s when the average dealer had one pair on the shelf, you went into Bob’s and he had ten pairs of Hi-Points and ten pairs of Full Bore boots, and that was unprecedented anywhere in the whole country
>> 2018 Supercross Open House
really, but for sure in Minnesota. We still have a pas- sion for motocross boots and it’s without question our number one thing.
What sort of trackside support do you of-
fer these days and what do you do to help
the local motorcycling community?
We don’t do every race. Back in the day, Bob would go every week. We do a few of them and we go to a lot
of smaller events, like trail rides and ride days. We do more ride days than actual days at the races. We try to do a few more events that are more grassroots and not necessarily full-blown racing. We do the Huntersville Trail Ride every year which is really cool and it’s more for the beginners and then we do the Mora Ride Day. We kind of concentrate on beginners a little more on that, too. We try to get people out there that are intimi- dated to ride on a track and help them. One thing that’s big in Minnesota is the trail ride scene; it really seems to be growing for the riders that can’t put in the effort
to race for whatever reason. There’s some pretty well organized ones without having to ride a hare scramble or an enduro, so we’re trying to help support those as much as we can.