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#188 dillan epstein- dillan was a stand out amateur rider who has had trouble with his career
since turning professional, but don’t go thinking epstein is done just yet. He just scored his best finish of the year in Oakland at round 4, finishing 12th position. Epstein has gone through a lot of injuries and misfortune, starting in2013 when he dislocating his knee, leaving him without a ride for the 2014 season. Getting a call from Casey Johnson (Epsteins trainer) was the only opportunity Epstein received in 2014, with a 3 round deal before reevaluating plans to compete the rest of the season. Unfortunately that is as far as Dillan would make it in 2014. In 2015 the young rider got a opportunity to go race in Europe. As soon as he hit the track there Dillan, got in an accident warming up, knocking him out and leaving him with a busted shoulder, and punctured lungs. This was a serious injury for Dillan and he questioned leaving the sport that he loves. When a last minute deal popped up to ride for the RBI/ Nut Up, Kawasaki Team in the 250 Lites West Region the #188 prepared himself for battle to establish himself as a top 10 rider in the 250 Class.

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