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Four rounds in to the 2016 season Ken Roczen still hasn’t gotten a first place finish. As one of the title contend-
ers Roczen knows the season is going to fly by and the sooner he can get up front the better. Having no heat
race wins so far this year Roczen started his off with a 3rd place start. Quickly jumping into a battle with Chad Reed for 2nd. After getting by him Roczen kept the distance between him and Millsaps close, but it wasn’t enough. Roczen finished the heat with a second. Going into the main Ken Roczen needed a good start to push for the win and that is exactly what he did. Immediately putting him- self out front on lap one Roczen led every lap from start to finish flawlessly. Even with the thought of Dungey coming after him Roczen kept it as smooth as can be, giving him his first top of the box finish of the year.

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