P. 25

What are you currently up to today and are motorcycles still a big part of your life? Well,
I’ve been working over in Largo at a place called Ametek. They build all sorts of gauges for different things
-- pressure gauges for oil, gas, oxygen, anything. I work pretty much a lot of the departments, so they always
ask me to come in and I get overtime and whatnot. So, I’m just a workin’ man! But yeah... it’s been a real nice
ride. It hasn’t been real easy and nothin’ ever is. I still enjoy racing; I’ll race anybody. I don’t wanna get to where I’m gonna ride some over 60 class or some crazy stuff, but I’ll race anybody. We race the SDTA series down here in Florida and Woody Kyle does my engines. He’s right across the bridge -- I’m in Tampa and he’s in Clearwater, so actually Woody’s gonna finish up the top end on my bike here in the next couple weeks. We race a lot down here at Marion County Speedway in Ocala. I’m thankful for the SDTA and that we have a place we can go race down here, ‘cause if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t have anywhere.

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