P. 41
Ride’ program, so I quit Yamaha. A very close friend of mine was an enduro rider and also a fireman; he had one time suggested that I look into the fire department and I told him he was nuts. So here we are about a year later and I’m bangin’ on his door asking him about the fire department. Since he was a motorcycle racer himself, he could relate to me and we talked, and I became a reserve fireman. As soon as I went to my first fire I thought “This is it, man. This is really going to be a great replacement for the excitement of racing.”
Fast forward 40 years, you retired as a Battalion Chief in 2005 and became a city council-
man in your hometown of Simi Valley. What’re you up to currently? I just started the campaign for Mayor of Simi Valley. We’re one of the cities that actually have an elected position, a lot of ‘em just rotate the Mayor position through the council, but here they’re elected. I’m running for Mayor and I’ve been on the council for six years; it’s the town I grew up in and I enjoy the interaction with the community. I have to kinda say, Yamaha prepared me for this too. They sent me to the Dale Carnegie school when I first got hired and
I still use those skills everyday of my life and even though I was only with Yamaha for five years, they’ve impacted me and continue to impact me today.