Page 32 - Issue_63
P. 32

250 SX / 2ND
>> The #28 TLD / Red Bull /Factory KTM pilot of Shane McElrath came into round 4 in Phoenix tied in the championship with Joey Savatgy scoring a total of 68 points out of a possible 78 this season. Shane came out blazing in his heat race, grabbing the hole- shot and running off to a 4+ second lead. After a first place finish in his heat Shane was awarded with second gate pick, setting himself up with better odds to a good start in the main event. The KTM backed rider came across turn one just behind the fellow point leader Savatgy. McElrath followed the 17 of Savatgy in the opening laps but it was clear that he had a higher race pace at this point and he began to look for a way to take over the lead. It didn’t take long for @shanemcelrath to find an opening as he blitzed his way alongside of Joey in the whoops then jumping into the inside of him in the next corner. McElrath then tried his best to run away with the lead. Unfortunately he was chased down by the #23 Yamaha rider of Plessinger. Every time Plessinger seemed to have the upper hand Shane was able to retaliate and hold off the position. Multiple attempts where made and it looked like it could’ve been a race for the ages. Aaron made made one move before the triple but Shane had it covered as he cut underneath and scrubbed the triple. Sadly for Shane the battle was put to a screeching hault as Aaron went from one side of the track to the other cutting in front of Shane. McElrath was limited with options and was forced to check up. The #28 almost went down but was able to use his athletic ability to regain composure and keep it on two wheels. McElrath now was in a clear second place and wasn’t able to make up any ground on AP. Shane was not thrilled about how the pass was made on him. Will Shane return the favor now that we are approaching the mid way point in the series?
32 GRITMOTO • JANUARY 28, 2018

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