Page 13 - OCTOBER-2018
P. 13

It’s easily regarded as one of the roughest, gnarliest tracks on the amateur motocross cal- endar and it’s always known for separating the men from the boys. The soft and malleable nature of the sand means that the track is constantly chang- ing every lap, forcing the riders to adapt to the conditions mul- tiple times throughout a race. It’s not just the racetrack that keeps the fans coming back time and time again; the atmo- sphere after the sun goes down is unlike any other race on the calendar. It provides the rac- ers, spectators, and families
a way to unwind after a long day of competition. The best whip contest on Friday night kicks things off with a bang, Saturday night’s pit bike race never disappoints, and Sunday night’s pond party is the per- fect finale to the weekend’s festivities. Anyone can rip the cutting edge pit bike track, bel- ly flop twenty-five feet into the pond, or race the motocross track in a side by side. Who knows? Ronnie Mac and Larry Enticer might even show up to the party. It’s a throwback to the simpler days of motocross when all that mattered was going fast and having a good time; waking up early and stay- ing up late; partying hard and racing harder. Welcome to the

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