Page 31 - OCTOBER-2018
P. 31

Championships at Loretta Lynn’s in both 250 C Limited and 250 C Jr. (12-17) Lim- ited. Fineis gained a lot of confidence due to his week of results at the Ranch, placing him in the right mindset in preparation for the Baja Brawl. He picked up right where he
left off in all three classes that he contested,
setting the tone for the remainder of the weekend with three commanding moto wins. The Indiana native had his starts dialed in from the first gate drop to the last barring a couple of off motos, often finding himself at the front of the field for the entirety of the race. He was aiming to repeat
a clean sweep of
all three motos
on Sunday, but a mishap down the start-straight sent him to the ground and he picked him- self back up in dead last. Nonetheless, Fineis was able to regroup for a 12th place result in a field of thirty-one riders on a shortened three lap race, eventu-
ally salvaging third place overall in the class. He was able to put together a total of seven race wins throughout the weekend, sweeping the 250 C Limited class in the process, and 1-1-2 moto scores in the 250
C Jr. Limited class awarded him his second Leonidas Award.

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