Page 39 - OCTOBER-2018
P. 39

The Yamaha looked prepared to continue her domination of the Women’s class as she showed up to Baja Acres, winning the first of three motos. Additionally, she chose to contest the 250 A and 250 Pro Am classes, scoring a 6th place in the opening 250 A
moto. She was set to contest a total of three
motos on Sunday with the running of the Pro Am class
as well, but she wouldn’t make it that far. Jarvis had no problem repeating her performance in the second Women 12+ race, setting the fastest lap by nearly twelve seconds ahead of the clos- est competitor. The Yamaha rider won by almost forty-five seconds in a short- ened three lap race, earning the moto win with authority. Un- fortunately, the first lap of the next moto didn’t go as planned for the North Caro- lina native as she encountered a hard crash on the open- ing lap. She was fit enough to remount her bike and ride back to the pits, but she was wearing a sling for the remain- der of the weekend and forced to retire from the rest of the event. Nonetheless, it appears as if it will be a quick recovery and she’ll have more than enough time
to get healthy for the WMX finale in November.

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