Page 51 - OCTOBER-2018
P. 51

done from the gate drop in the 125 class, leading the entirety of the race. Following a morning marred with rain delays, racing got back underway in fairly challenging conditions -- Ryan played it smart and maintained a solid overall position, put- ting up two 2nd place finishes at the end of the day. He threatened to win the Schoolboy
1 moto, but a small mistake on the last lap cost him the top spot on the box for that par- ticular moto. Nonethe- less, Ryan was raring to go on the final day of racing as exempli- fied by his aggressive riding style. Minor mistakes in both of
the final motos left him with his worst results of the weekend, but he displayed his raw and unbridled speed by charging through back towards the front after crashing. He wasn’t able to replicate his performance from one year prior at the Brawl by getting his hands on a Leonidas Award, but it’s easy to see he’ll be a consistent contender in the 125cc ranks for the upcoming season.

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