Page 59 - OCTOBER-2018
P. 59

long, putting him in the right mindset as he returned to his home state of Michigan for the 2018 Baja Brawl. Following practice on Friday, Wey took a break from his riding duties to serve as one of the judges in the Best Whip competition, complete with a
clipboard and all. He registered for two 51cc
classes and both
65 (7-9) classes, splitting equal time between both bikes. Although he didn’t break through on the bigger bike, the Michigan native con- tinues to learn and still found his way
to a top five finish. Otherwise, the Co- bra rider was more competitive in the various 51cc class- es, finishing both of them on the over-
all podium with a total of five top three results. Wey show- cased immense consistency in the 51cc (7-8) Limited class, logging a trio of 2nd place finishes in order to grab 2nd place overall along with a 3rd overall in the (4-8) Open Limit- ed division. A couple instances of bad luck or disadvanta- geous starts cost Wey some better results, but it seems that his speed is improving with each and every event; it doesn’t seem like it will be long until he figures out how to fix the little things and put it all together to win some champion- ships.

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