Page 84 - MPG15
P. 84

84 GRITMOTO • MAY.2.16
With the thought of the East Rutherford round looming nearer as each day passes, tension seems to be rising amongst two immaculate insurance companies: Geico and Metlife.
You see, the Geico
gecko that rides along-
side RJ, is pretty up-
set about the amount
of attention Metlife’s
“Snoopy” mascot is re-
ceiving at this particular
New Jersey round. He
can’t seem to stand the thought of the Peanuts character attracting more recognition; therefore he
is planning to be in front
of the camera as much
as possible. RJ and the
rest of the team are well
on board with that idea,
as long as it’s in a posi-
tive manner of course.
Placing fifth here in 2015, Hampshire is striving to >> regain the poise he had
just a year ago. Follow-
ing a horrific pre-season crash, RJ had to put
in countless hours of
overtime just to remain
in line with the field. And
with a positive finish in
the last of New England’s rounds, he could easily
leap into fifth place in the point’s standings, as he
sits just three points out.

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