Page 7 - IAV Digital Magazine #437
P. 7

iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Surrogate Mother Gives Birth To 2 Babies, Discovers 1 is Hers
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
RIVERSIDE, Calif. A woman who agreed to be a sur- rogate had to bat- tle for her baby after she gave birth to two chil- dren and then dis- covered one of them was actually her biological child.
Six weeks into the pregnancy, she says her doctor noticed something very unexpected, and Jessica even- tually delivered what she thought at the time to be identical twin boys.
DNA test con- firmed the second baby was her bio- logical son. Jessica says after a complicated process, she and her husband got custody of their son.
Jessica Allen says she was matched with a couple in April of 2016.
"I did notice one was much lighter than the other, you know obviously they were not iden- tical twins," Allen said.
Doctors say what happened was extremely rare.
She says one of their embryos was successfully implanted into her uterus.
One month later a
It's called superfe- tation when a woman continues to ovulate even after becoming pregnant, resulting in two babies.

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