Page 7 - IAV Digital Magazine #404
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Burger King Just Merged a Whopper andaBurritotoMakeaWhopperrito
Melissa Locker
Burger King may be about to make every col- lege kid’s dream come true. The fast food chain has unveiled the unholy offspring of a cheese- burger and a burrito, aptly named the Whopperrito, reports GrubGrade. The mash- up menu item apparently takes all the toppings from a Whopper— cheese, meat, lettuce,
tomato, onion, and pick- le—and wraps them in a tortilla. Sadly, Burger King seems to have missed the opportunity to take a page from the California burrito cook- book by adding some fries into the mix. (Seriously, they’re sitting right there.)
If this news had broken closer to April 1, we might have wondered if it were a prank, but
Burger King has been toying with their Whoppers lately (includ- ing adding a Whopper dog), and it looks like the Whopperrito could soon be a delicious reality. The drunken dream food is currently being tested at Burger King locations in Hermitage, Pa., but it’s unclear if the chain will roll out the Whopperrito to menus nationwide. If not, a road trip is evidently in order.
Jolene’s Horse Rescue. Seeking sponsorship & vol- unteers are welcome, dona- tions: vehicle, tractors, & old farm equip. to help horse get on it's hooves. A non-profit organization. 285-5176
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2 matching Magazine/Phonebook metal racks for in or outside store $15ea or $25 for both • 272- 9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm334
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High Quality Ladies Pantyhose 40¢ each, Suggested Retail $3.75 each; Knee Hi’s .25¢ each, Suggested Retail $1.25. Great for Swap Meet!!! 661-944-7171
LG internal CD drive. Brand new. IDE cable included $15 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
8:30pm only
2 TVs, work well $20ea • 723-0362407
VHS movies, 2packages $30 • 947-4343401
Slide projector, screen & reels from 1960-70’s $88. Brand name is Grand Prix, Sold as set only. Works & looks great • 272-9273 bet
8:30am-8:30pm 385
Kodak Polycontrast filters for adding color shades to photos $23 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm334
Now hiring! Auto techni- cians. Call 661-274- 7595ser
Looking for barbers, pls call 661-208-0163 for detailspd
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2 stroke mechanic needed. 1-2days/month. For chain saws, weed wackers, lawn- mowers. Own tools pref- fered. Pay based on experi- ence. Starting wage $12/hr. Must have reliable refernces & transportation. Text Mr Harvey bet 8am-6pm • 272- 9273403
Lancaster: Laborers needed to load & unload junk & scrap. Must be 18& over. $10/hr cash. Clean drivers license a big plus but not