Page 17 - IAV Digital Magazine #434
P. 17
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Sign Advertising ‘Slaves 4 Sale’ Rocks Liberty Neighborhood
By Shannon O’Brien,
LIBERTY, Mo. -- People who live in the neighborhood near Liberty Plaza woke up to a sign advertising "Slaves 4 Sale" hanging over a Confederate battle flag at Richard Geisenheyner's home.
Geisneheyner says the sign is a reaction to being treated like a racist because he flies the flag in front of his home.
"If people actually believe that a Confederate flag stands for slavery, well, I might as well be just as stupid as they are,"said Geisenheyner, who has mixed-race grandchildren.
He says he flies the Confederate battle flag to make a politi- cal statement: "It is
for people that are tired of the govern- ment telling them what to do and what to think. That is what a Southern rebel is."
"His rebel flag don't have a damn thing to do with me, wave it all you want," said a man who asked not to be identified. "This idiot with his slaves for sale, are you fricking kidding me?"
Some of Geisenheyner's neighbors are highly offended by his sign.
"I am going to tell you why it is offen- sive to me. I remem- ber the signs on the wall that says 'white only.' I am that old. I remember the signs on the wall that says 'negros only entrance here.'"
Geisenheyner took his sign down Tuesday afternoon
because he believes his point has been made. His neighbors hope that next time Geisneheyner want to make a state- ment, he chooses another way to express himself.
"If people called him a racist because he was flying the rebel flag and he wanted to make a statement and put up slaves for sale, well, I didn't offend you, I haven't called you a racist so you have got to think about the other people in the com- munity," said a woman who lives nearby. She also asked not to be identified.
So the sign is down and the folks FOX 4 talked to Tuesday hope that Giesenhyner might choose a different way to vent his frus- trations in the future.
A woman takes her sixteen year old daughter to a doctor.
The doctor says, “OK, Mrs. Jones, what’s the problem?”
The mother says, “This is my daughter Frances. She keeps getting these crav- ings then she gets sick most of the mornings, but some- how she is still put- ting on weight.”
The doctor gives Frances a good examination, then turns to the mother and says, “Well, I don’t know how to tell you this, but your Frances is pregnant – about four months would be my guess.”
The mother replies, “Pregnant!?! She can’t be. She has never had sex, or even been left alone with a man! Frances?”
Frances says, “No mother, I’ve never even kissed a man.”
The doctor walks to the window and just stares out it.
About five minutes pass and the mother asks impatiently, “Is there something wrong out there, Doctor?”
The doctor replies, “No, nothing wrong. It’s just that the last time anything like this happened, a star appeared in the east and three wise men came over the hill.
I’ll be damned if I am going to miss it this time.
A wife got so mad at her husband she packed his bags and told him to get out.
As he walked to the door she yelled, "I hope you die a long, slow, painful death."
He turned around and said, "So, you want me to stay?"
The brain is a won- derful organ...
It starts working the day you are born, and stops the day you fall in love...
A man inserted an 'ad' in the classi- fieds: "Wife wanted."
Next day he received a hundred letters.
They all said the same thing... "You can have mine!"
Teacher: "Jay,why are you down today?"
Jay: "Because my mom is at the hospi- tal and my dad is at the police station."
Teacher: "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, dear. Do you want to go home?"
Jay: "Yes, please."
After Jay has left the classroom, the teacher asks the other classmates,
"Why is Jay's father at the police station and the mother at the hospital?"
Classmate: "Because his father is a policeman and his mom's a nurse."
An American tourist was visiting a small village in Newfoundland. He approached a local person and asked, "What's the quickest way to Marystown?"
The local, scratched his head, "Are ya walkin' er drivin'?" he asked the stranger.
"I'm driving," said the stranger.
"Well, that's the quickest way."
What is the differ- ence between in- laws and outlaws?
Outlaws are usually wanted.
Relationships are a lot like algebra...
Have you ever looked at your 'X' and wondered 'Y'?
A magician comes up to our table and does a card trick.
Impressed, I asked him how he did it.
He says "I can tell you, but I'd then have to kidnap you and take you away."
I said, "Can you tell my mother-in-law?"
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine