Page 11 - iAV Digital Magazine #394
P. 11

The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
Freeze Dried Poop Pills Tested as Solution for Reversing Obesity
sounds great, make offer • 944-7171
Conn Artist Organ, 1960's Model, Cherry Wood, In Mint Condition, $2500/obo • 265- 0261dp
HOmE &
DeWolFe luMBer Co & hArDWAre UHAUL REntALS - Boxes Hardware, Building materials, Paint, Plumbing, Irrigations & drip Supplies, Nuts & Bolts. Since 1952 5041 West Ave M Quartz Hill 661-943-4110
Firewoods, oak, cedar & cottonwood • 256-4904398
Mixed firewood, summer prices • 998-8715397
Troybilt wood chipper, 8hp, large wood pieces chopping $300 • 264-3870394
Pair of chaise lounges, matching, good cond, adjustable $30 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm394
Matching /stacking patio chairs $25. Older but still work good • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm390
3pcs plastic gate/ portable barrier $35. Strong & durable vinyl. Easy put up/ take down. 33” wide x40.5 tall x99” long • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm394
Plastic hose reel. Good cond. Rolls $18 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm376
Manure/Seed spreaders. 3 to choose from. xlnt cond $25each • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm37
Round metal patio table $22, sturdy • 272-9273 bet
Several 28’ extension lad- ders & some assorted lad- der. Up to 95/ea • 942- 0820393
Electrical 1/2” steel flexline, 500ft for electrician, no fault boxes included. Make offer • 943-6071393
32” Pre-hung interior door. New but has some minor
8am-8:30pm only
Round top patio table, 36” round. Fiberglass top, metal frame, sturdy $30 • 272- 9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm only354
Round portable, mini BBQ. Great for tailgates, beach or home Looks & works fine 28”tall x 15” round $15 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm334
192 Red bricks 12x12 $180, u pick up • 544-2698398
63 pcs, 16x16 patio tiles, beige • 544-2698398
Electrical steel flex line, 1/2” diameter, 100ft for electri- cian, make offer • 943- 6071394
2’x4’ round galvanized tub $80 • 530-370-9283394
Conn Artist organ
1960's Model Cherry Wood, In Mint Condition $2500/obo (661) 265-0261
By Tim Boyer G+
Volunteers are needed for a new weight loss trial where participants swal- low freeze dried poop pills.
For years now, scientists have uncovered mount- ing evidence that the type of bacteria you have in your digestive tract could play an important role in your health. In fact, reported cases of fecal swapping—a proce- dure where fecal matter from a healthy person is transferred into the digestive tract of a sick person—have been made that resulted in an improvement in a num- ber of cases of patients with digestive system health issues such as irri- table bowel syndrome and intestinal infections.
According to a recent article in the online mag- azine Ars Technica,
reporter Beth Mole alerts readers that a new weight loss study involv- ing fecal matter trans- plant will be seeking vol- unteers willing to swallow “poop pills”―freeze dried samples of fecal matter packaged in small cap- sules.
This trial study is led by Elaine Yu, an assistant professor and clinical researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital, who hopes to prove for the first time that changing the microbes in a person’s gut can cause a change in their weight.
This trial is based previ- ous human twin studies where the fecal matter from a lean twin and an obese twin was trans- planted into the guts of mice that possessed a microbe-free gut. What the researchers found was that in spite of being
on the same diet, the mouse that received the lean twin fecal matter remained lean whereas the mouse that received the obese twin’s fecal matter became over- weight.
In another study, the Ars Technica article reports about the case of a woman who received a fecal transplant from her daughter in order to cure her recurring intestinal infection by a particularly nasty bacterium called Clostridium difficile. While the fecal transplant helped the mother recov- er from the infection, she inexplicably experienced weight gain. As it turns out, her daughter, although healthy, was overweight and thereby raises the possibility that the daughter’s bacteria in turn resulted in her moth- er’s weight gain following the fecal transplant ther- apy.
Bob’s Military Store • 661-824-3333
2100 Mono Street • Mojave, CA 93501 Behind Denny’s • Fax: 661-824-8889
Corrugated Galvanized Drain pipe Corrugated Galvanized Drain Pipe 18inch By 20 feet,
Brand New $150.00 each. I have 10 (661) 265-0261

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