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iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Glitch Blamed For Mickey Mouse Signing Tax Refund Checks
By Ben Hooper
July 31 (UPI) -
- Rhode Island state officials said a technical glitch was to blame for 176 tax refund checks being mailed out bear- ing the signatures of Mickey Mouse and Walt Disney.
Jade Borgeson, chief of staff for the Rhode Island Department of Revenue, con- firmed the checks were mailed out this week with the signatures of Walt Disney and his
most famous car- toon creation instead of Rhode Island General Treasurer Seth Magaziner and State Controller Peter Keenan.
"As a result of a technical error in the Division of Taxation's auto- mated refund check printing system, approxi- mately 176 checks with invalid signature lines were printed and mailed to tax- payers on Monday," Borgeson in a
statement to WJAR-TV.
"The invalid sig- nature lines were incorrectly sourced from the Division's test print files," she said.
Borgeson said most of the erro- neous checks were corporate tax refunds.
"Corrected checks will be reissued to impacted taxpay- ers within one week," she told WPRI-TV.
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