Page 10 - IAV Digital Edition #377
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‘KylieJennerChallenge’ Leaving TeensWithBruisedLips, FaceHickies
By Mario Sevilla
SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — A new social media trend is leaving several teenagers with cartoonish lips and facial bruising in their attempt to look like reality televi- sion personality Kylie Jenner, the youngest of the Kardashian clan.
The #kyliejennerchal- lenge dares teens to place bottles or jars over their mouth and suck in air like a vacuum. The exercise will cause their lips to blow up. The painful practice is being documented all over social media as partici-
pants post photos and videos showing their results — some ridicu- lous, some horrifying.
One social media post shows a man missing a portion of his upper lip. He explains that the injury happened after the glass container he was sucking exploded.
At least one doctor has issued a warning about the potential dangers of participating in this chal- lenge.
“The new trend in trying to DIY lip plumping is quite concerning,” Dr. Dendy Engelman, a
board certified dermato- logic surgeon, told “Not only can significant pain, swelling, and bruising result from these suction techniques, but there is potential risk for scarring and permanent disfigure- ment with repeated attempts.”
Jenner has yet to issue a comment on the trend. The 17-year-old socialite did recently deny artifi- cially enhancing her lips amid speculation she had some work done.
“I haven’t had plastic sur- gery,” she told Grazia Daily.
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SPudnuTS dOnuTS
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Lake LOS angeLeS bakeRy/ PandeRIa Try our sandwiches, Bread, Danish, Doughnuts, Mexican Pastries, Party Platters, Cakes for Weddings, Birthdays & all Occassions 40112 170th St East Lake Los Angeles 661-264-1645
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SPudnuTS dOnuTS
Baked Fresh Daily
Donuts, Muffins, Scones, Pastries, Croissants, Milk, All kind of sof drinks Gourmet Coffee 1977 W. Ave L Lancaster (661)723-9432
SPudnuTS dOnuTS
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Baked Fresh Daily
Donuts, Muffins, Scones, Pastries, Cookies, Croissants, Bagels Gourmet Coffee 4654 E. Avenue S # C Palmdale (661)285-4471
SPudnuTS dOnuTS
Baked Fresh Daily
Donuts, Muffins, Scones, Pastries, Cookies, Croissants, Bagels Gourmet Coffee 2311 Avenue S #F5 Palmdale (661)265-1888
Queen size mattress $60 •
Computer desk $50 • 718- 3988380
6’ couch, green & grey, great cond $50 • 860-4435379
End tables $10ea • 860- 4435379
Large dresser w/ mirror $50 • 860-4435379
Matching end tables $20 for both • 860-4435379
Dining table & chairs • 974- 3380378
Free: Queen size mattress, almost new • 433-5717378
Cider chest, 4’long x2’wide x2’tall $200 • 860-4435378
Nice matching desk & chair $125. Solid wood. Sturdy & fashionable • 272-9273 bet
8am-8:30pm 378
Maternity glider/swivel/ rock- er $73. For pregnant or after birth. Great cond • 272-9273
bet 8am-8:30pm 378
Good looking coffee table $33. 23”wide x52”long x16”tall. Solid wood • 272-
9273 bet 8am-8:30pm 378
Antique solid wood end table. Maybe late 50’s to early 60’s. 19 1/2” wide x 23” tall x 26” long $50firm • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm377
Set of 5 plastic style school/ waiting room chairs $45. Best used outside on porch.
Sturdy, dark blue • 272- 9273 bet 8am-8:30pm376
4 tier wicker shelf $35. Good cond, free standing, stable. 20” wide x 11 1/2” deep x 51” tall • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm376
Torch style lamp, upright, black, sturdy, great cond $27 • 272-9273 bet 8:00am-
8:30pm only 5 Drawer dresser, good
shape $15 • 947-4343 374
Antique wooden fold down dining table $75. Maybe mid 1950?. Sturdy & fashion- able. 46 3/4” wide x 40” long x 30” tall. 2sides, fold down. No removable leaf • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
8:30pm only
Twin size metal rolling “L” shape bed frame. Looks &

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