Page 12 - IAV Digital Magazine #535
P. 12
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
ByZahna EklundAudience writerShabir Noorzai
Giving birth is one of the most painful things your body can go through – but would you eat cow poo if it could guarantee you had a healthy labour?
A doctor from India has claimed munching on dung has many pseudo health benefits, including preventing illness- es and
caesarean deliv- eries and has encouraged oth- ers to try the gross trick them- selves.
To prove it’s safe to eat, Dr Manoj Mittal filmed him- self eating a piece of cow poo in a stomach-churning video shared online, which shows him pick- ing the dung up off the floor and
ing it in his mouth.
Dr Mittal, from Karnal, India, even says his whole family have been eating cow dung for years because of its supposed health benefits.
He said: “Every part of Panchagavya obtained from the
is very valuable for mankind.
“See, if we eat cow dung, then our body and mind become pure.
"By eating cow dung, it removes impurities from our body.
“We are nine sib- lings, and we have been eating
My mother also consumes it from time to time, and she had given all of us birth via nor- mal deliveries."
The viral video comes after a number of other doctors discredit- ed the surge in stories emerging in India that claim cow poo can help cure coronavirus.
videos went viral earlier this year after many people started bathing in cow dung as Covid-19 preven- tion, and some believers had been going to cow shelters once or twice a week to bathe in cow poo.
Dr Vasant Patel, who is a member of the Ahmedabad
Medical Association (AMA), blasted cow dung as a cure saying it has nothing to strengthen the immune system.
He said: "It's all a misconception. If one uses cow dung or urine, they are inviting an infection known as Mucormycosis.”
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Doctor Claims Eating Cow Poo Can Help During Childbirth - And He’s Tried It Himself