Page 8 - IAV Digital Magazine #461
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iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Sex Robot Brothel
Not Welcome in
Harris County Either
By Michelle Homer
HARRIS COUN- TY, Texas — After Houston said no to the sex robot brothel, county commissioners are making it clear the busi- ness isn’t wel- come in the county either.
They unanimous- ly approved revi- sions Tuesday to the county’s rules regulating sexu- ally oriented businesses or SOBs.
he revisions include a ban on using a so-called sex robot for sex- ual activities in a business.
“These business- es can be havens for human trafficking and other serious crimes,” said County Attorney Ryan, who pro- posed the revi- sions.
A Canadian com- pany that already operates an "adult love dolls rent before you
buy service" in Toronto had hoped to open a location in Houston. They had already started construc- tion before run- ning into permit issues that halt- ed work.
The company, KinkySdollS, sells and rents human-like dolls that can cost more than $3,000 each.
Mayor Sylvester Turner lead the charge to keep the business out of Houston.
The county attor- ney’s office and the Harris County Sheriff’s Department also created new defi-
nitions and requirements for adult motels, adult cabarets, adult cabaret entertainers, adult bookstores, theaters and arcades.
The businesses are now required to post a sign containing edu- cational informa- tion about human trafficking, includ- ing the National Human Trafficking Hotline.
A violation of the County’s SOB regulations is a Class A misde- meanor that could lead to a $4,000 fine and up to one year in jail.
Hundreds of Teeth Found In Wall of Former Dentists’ Office
By Associated Press
VALDOSTA, Ga. (AP) - Construction workers in Georgia have found hundreds of teeth in the wall of a former dentists' office.
The Valdosta Daily Times reports a con- struction crew preparing a com- mercial space in downtown Valdosta found
about a thousand teeth inside a second-floor wall.
Historical Society researcher Harry Evans says the building was con- structed in 1900, and its first ten- ant was a dentist named Clarence Whittington. He says it later housed another dentist named Lester G. Youmans until at least 1930.
Main Street Director Ellen Hill says teeth also have been found in the walls of for- mer dentist offices in Greensboro and Carrolton.
Valdosta police say they haven't found evidence of a crime. Project manager Dustin Merriman says the crew dis- posed of the teeth.