Page 16 - IAV Digital Magazine #448
P. 16
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
WiFi Network Named ‘Remote Detonator' Prompts GymEvacuation
By Associated Press
A Michigan gym patron looking for a WiFi con- nection found one named "remote detona- tor," prompting an evacuation and precaution- ary search of the facility by a bomb-sniffing dog.
The Saginaw News reports nothing was found in the search Sunday at Planet
Fitness in Saginaw Township, about 85 miles (140 kilometers) northwest of Detroit.
Saginaw Township police Chief Donald Pussehl says the patron brought the WiFi connection's name to the attention of a manager, who evacuated the building and called police. The gym was closed for about
three hours as police respond- ed.
Pussehl says there's
"no crime or threat," so no charges are expected. He notes people often have odd names for WiFi connections.
Planet Fitness says the manag- er was following company proce- dure for when there's suspicion about a safety issue.
Threat of Closure Spurs Surge In Sales For Necco Wafers
By Associated Press
The maker of the colorful Necco Wafers has experi- enced a surge in sales since announcing it might close unless it finds a buyer, and
a Florida woma n offered to exchange her 15-year-old car for one compa- ny's wafer inventory.
Necco stands for New
England Confectionery Company. It announced in March that 395 workers could be laid off if no buyer is found. That triggered a buying spree by wafer lovers.
The Boston Globe reports 23-year-old Katie Samuels, of Florida, reached out to candy whole- saler m to offer her 2003 Honda Accord for their wafer inventory.
has childhood memories of playing church and pretending the candies were commun- ion. m did not accept the offer in what it's call- ing "The Great Necco Wafer Panic," but Samuels man- aged to buy four dozen rolls of the wafers.
Necco has pro- duced the can- dies since 1847.
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine