Page 14 - IAV Digital Magazine #507
P. 14

iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Dentist WhoExtractedToothOn HoverboardSentencedTo12yrsInPrison
By Jackie Salo
An Alaska dentist who extracted a patient’s
tooth while riding on a hover-
board has been sentenced to 12 years behind bars for that stunt and other wheel-y bad crimes.
Seth Lookhart was sentenced Monday in Anchorage Superior Court on dozens of charges that stemmed from actions that ranged from his scooting antics to Medicaid fraud
and removing a patient’s teeth without their per- mission, the Anchorage Daily News reported.
He was convicted back in January on charges of reckless endan- germent, illegally practicing den-
tistry and medical assistance fraud.
“In reviewing all this over and over again, I have this visceral response — you darn near killed some peo- ple,” Judge Michael Wolverton said in handing down the
The court heard testimony at his trial from patient Veronica Wilhelm, who was sedated when he was recorded perform- ing her tooth extraction on a hoverboard in July 2016.
In the cellphone video, Lookhart could be seen rid- ing away from the procedure with his hands tri- umphantly in the air.
He allegedly texted a video of the stunt to at least eight peo- ple, joking that it was a “new stan- dard of
care,” NBC News reported.
Lookhart — whose dental license was sus- pended in 2017 — was also ordered by the judge not to prac- tice medicine dur- ing his 10-year probation once he’s released from prison, the Anchorage Daily News reported.
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