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iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Restaurant Claims Its 'Labor Inducer' Burger Has Helped 31 Women Give Birth
By Kashmira Gander
A restaurant in Minneapolis, Minnesota, has claimed—without offering scientific proof— that one of its burgers has helped 31 preg- nant women go into labor.
The so-called "The Labor Inducer" burger features beef, caramelized onion, Cajun remoulade, spicy mustard and honey-cured bacon, all inside a pretzel bun, according to The Suburban web- site.
Since The Suburban restau- rant started serv- ing the burger, 31 women have gone into labor shortly after eat- ing it, Fox 9 reported. Women make it on the count if they go into labor 24 hours after eating the burger.
Co-owner Cindy Berset told Fox 9 the restaurant came up with the recipe when the team was prepar- ing to enter a burger contest in 2019.
Kelsey Berset, who co-owns the restaurant with her mother and sister, tried the burger.
She told Today in 2019: "I figured I was 38 weeks pregnant, so why not indulge? About six hours
later, my contrac- tions started."
So they decided to enter it into the contest as "The Labor Inducer." After the restau- rant added it to the menu and another mother apparently gave birth after having it, word spread and more preg- nant women have been curious to see if it lived up to its name.
Cindy Berset told Fox 9: "It has been such a
whirlwind. Every time a mom walks through that door, I know what she is coming in for and it's the 'Labor Inducer.'"
But is it actually possible to induce labor by eating certain foods, or does "The Labor Inducer" owe its name to a string of happy coinci- dences? Unfortunately for uncomfortable expectant moth- ers who feel they are close to pop- ping, there is no
scientific proof that home reme- dies like certain foods can bring on labor.
Old wives' tales say that spicy food, such as the mustard in The Labor Inducer, can bring on labor. But there is no link between the stomach and the uterus to sup- port this claim.
Dr. Adam Huggins, an obstetrician-gyne- cologist in Nashville,
Tennessee, told Good Housekeeping in 2019: "There is no empirical evi- dence that differ- ent foods can induce labor. However, there are lots of anec- dotal stories of patients that went into labor after having a particu- lar food or drink."
For women who are past their due date or need to give birth due to complications, labor should be induced in the safe hospital envi- ronment. According to WebMD, this can involve the use of prostaglandins, which are com- pounds that have a variety of uses including inducing labor. At the stage at which the cervix is open, a drug called Pitocin can be used to stimulate contractions in the uterus.
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