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The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
Inspirational Corner
My friend Jerry was one of the most positive peo- ple I had ever known. He was always in a good mood and always had something encour- aging to say.
He was a manager at a restaurant. If his employ- ee had a bad day, Jerry always helped him to look on the positive side of the situation.
Jerry‘s attitude truly amazed me. So one day I asked him: "How can you be so positive all the time?". He replied: "You see, every morning I tell myself, that I have two choices for that day – to be in a good mood or in a bad. I choose the good one. And when something wrong hap- pens, I can be sad and angry or I can learn from it instead. I choose to learn. Thus I choose the positive side of life". I said: "It is not that easy". He replied: "Yes it is. Life is all about choices. You can choose how people or situation will affect your mood, your life".
One morning Jerry left the restaurant's back door open and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. He tried to open the safe, but his hands shook due to
nervousness and he slipped off the combina- tion. So the robbers shot him. Fortunately, Jerry was quickly found and brought to the nearest hospital. After many hours of surgery and long intensive care, Jerry was released home.
When I met him, I asked what his thoughts were during the robbery. "I thought that I should have locked the back door", he replied. "Then, when I was lying on the floor, I remembered about my choices in this case: a choice to live and a choice to die. I chose to live."
I asked, if he was scared. Jerry continued:
"When they wheeled me into emergency room and I looked at the faces of doctors, I got truly scared. I knew that I need to do something. So when the nurse asked me, if I was aller- gic to anything, I replied "Yes". Doctors and nurs- es stopped working as waited for my answer. I took a deep breath and yelled "Bullets". They started laughing and I said: "My choice is to live, treat me as I am alive, not dead".
Now Jerry is alive owing to skills of his doctors, however his amazing attitude played an impor- tant role too. I learned from him, that every day we should choose to live fully no matter what.
E. Lancaster: New home. $440/mo + 1/3utilities, shared bath, big kitchen. Close to National Soccer fields. Background check &
Palmdale: Bedroom w/ bath $450, pd utilities • 818-470-
Lancaster area • 494-1143390
E. Lancaster: Away from the city. No drugs. $250 + $100 deposit, shared bath. Also $350 + $150 deposit, shared bath • 818-687-
390 1044
Room for rent, Close to shops, free utilities • 274-
0235 390
W. Lancaster: $550+$100dep. Pd utilities. Masterbedroom w/ private bath, walk-in closet, fur- nished, full privileges. Internet, pool & jacuzzi. No pets, smoking or drugs •
390 718-2020
W. Palmdale: Master bed- room, private bathroom, nice & quiet area $500. Another bedroom for $400, shared bath, close to AVC. No smoking & drugs • 818-
770-0312 389
Single person, female, shared bath, pet ok. $400+ $400dep, pd utilities • 818-
424-1679 389
W. Lancaster: $500, master bedroom, pd utilities • 818-
389 770-0312
W. Palmdale: Rancho Vista, private bath, Directv, inter-
net. No pets or drugs $500/mo, $200dep • 818-
300-4141 388
W.Lancaster: Furnished room, Close to AVC, beauti- ful, spectacular view • 948-
E. Lancaster: New tiles, paint, nice room $500. Pool & kitchen privileges, Outside smoking, ceiling fan
E. Lancaster: $500 +$450. No smoking, drug & alcohol
sec deposit • 754-1115
All women nice 3+2 house. Full house privileges & laundry. $300deposit. Outside smoking, no drugs & alcohol. Must have refer- ence, job & ID. Pd utilities •
Palmdale: 350 • 265-8199
FREE: RV or Trailer park-
ing in exchange for yard & house work. Must have ref- erences. Background check. No drugs or alcohol •
264-3770 Rosamond: $350/mo, all
Quartz Hill: Furnished, shared bath. $500, pd utili- ties, no smoking • 718-
0934 / 244-7921
Rosamond: Travel trailer for one female. Secured yard, in town. Can work in exchange for rent • 886-
Littlerock: Share 3+2 house in 2 acres. Laundry, kitchen privileges. $450/mo, all utili- ties pd, $200deposit. Prefer senior. NO smoking, drugs
Reduced rent ($250) in exchange for cooking &
utilities pd • 256-0868 387
Palmdale: $450/mo • 470-
caregiving • 789-8729
Palmdale: Furnished, great area, good location, clean •
609-2241 388
or drama • 547-9560
A 63yrs old Christian lady looking for room to rent in
• 323-633-9436
• 206-5815

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