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The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
Parents ClaimRealistic Halloween Display Is Scaring Their Kids
PARMA, OH (KTRK) -- A life-like Halloween dis- play is causing some controversy in Ohio because it's located less
mentary school," the girl's mother, Jackie Anselmo, said.
The homeowners say the display is just meant to be for fun, and they
5)Chihuahua pups, 4f/1m. Yellow & black, parents on
390 site $50ea • 944-0240
2 male cats, neutered, shy & very quiet, all shots • 547-
389 9560
Blue front Amazon parrot w/ cage, food & toys $1000 •
389 943-3422
Kittens, many to choose from • 445-3682388
5 Puppies chihuahuas. Beautiful, Yellow & black. 4 females & a male. $50 •
Hemme Hay & Feed Inc
Hay, Grain, Pet Supplies.
Tack You Want It...We’ll Get It
3 Locations:
Lancaster: 942-7880 Tehachapi: 822-7442 Lake La: 264-4263
HIgH counTry Feed & PeTs Salt, Tropical Fish & Reptile Supplies “For All Your Pet Needs” Pet GroominG 1817 E Ave Q #B8 Corner of 20th St East Palmdale 661-947-4552
Van dam Farms
Wholesale Hay & Feed Horse, livestock and poultry supplies. Pet food, supplies, and vac- cines. Hay sale days Tuesdays & Saturdays Best prices for Alfalfa & 3-way Barley in Southern California TWO GREAT LOCATIONS 1609 East Ave I Lancaster (661) 946-7720 &
Free: 15yrs old tabby cat, outdoor, female • 943-6071
Free: Kittens, all colors •
392 445-3682
Goats, Pigs, Chickens, Rhode Island Chickens, Ducks, Eggs. Cheap Littlerock • 818-517-2593
7 laying chickens & 2 ducks, male & female, 1yr old, laying eggs. $100 takes
all • 943-6073
3 Black & white Husky, female, gorgeous, blue eyes. Parents on premises.
41943 50th Street West Quartz Hill (661) 718-2777
Dog handbag carrier, new
390 $20 • 266-1947
2)Horse saddle pads, good cond $35-$45 • 272-9273
390 bet 8am-8:30pm
Littlerock: Large metal shed 10’x8’, double door, mount- ed on a base 4400 • 547-
389 9560
20 gal fresh water aquarium w/ custom stand & storage
w/ $300 worth of extras.
$150 for all • 943-6071 2 Igloo doghouses, large &
longx 16” wide x 24” tall. With stand, made of heavy iron frame. Does not leak $175 firm • 272-9273 bet
37 8:30am-8:30pm
Folding metal cage for small dog or cat. 17” wide x 19” tall x 24”, Heavy gauge wire w/ locking door $38firm • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
385 8:30pm
$500-$600 • 202-5966
5 Puppies, female, yellow & black, parents on site
387 medium $50 • 480-8205
Big bird cage $150 • 824-
387 4667
Sliding glass door insert pet entry $45. No tools needed for small dogs or cats. 12” widex80” tall • 272-9273 bet
386 8am-8:30pm
Large tank for fish or rep- tiles. maybe 100gal, 6’
4 Pitbull pups, full blooded, $200. Includes deworming & shots, 6wks old. Parents
on site • 202-5966 Free kittens, great pet •
$200ea • 718-7734
Bulldog, 2yr old. Loyal, pro- tective, great w/ kids & other animals $700 • 445-
4 male kittens, 4wks old & the mother. Must find home
• 825-6123
than a block away from an elementary school.
"I felt scared 'cause I thought they were real people," a 9-year-old student told WOIO-TV after the display went up.
"(I'm) almost horrified that somebody would think that it's okay to put it that close to an ele-
The display shows bod- ies that appear to be graphically murdered in the front yard of the home. Anselmo and other parents say it's not appropriate to have that kind of display just feet away from a school.
But the city says there's nothing it can do about the display because it represents freedom of expression.
claim they've not had a single complaint.
"We don't want to scare kids. We just want to do the Halloween fun of it but definitely no ill intent, no," homeowner Vicki Barrett told WOIO-TV, explaining that she has young kids of her own who are fine with the display.

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