Page 7 - IAV Digital Magazine #382
P. 7
The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
The U.S.-based MegaBots have chal- lenged Japan-based Suidobashi Heavy Industries from Kyoto, Japan to a real-life giant robot battle.
“You have a giant robot, we have a giant robot — we have a duty to the science fiction lovers of this world to fight them to the death,” MegaBots’ challenge video states.
If the challenge is accepted, MegaBots may take “America’s first fully-functional giant piloted robot” called the MegaBot Mark II into the battle.
The 15-foot-tall mech is equipped with guns that can fire three-pound paint cannonballs at more than 120 miles per hour. The current bipedal mech gets around on
Rosamond Programa de Alfabetización de Adultos 661-256-6212
antelope Valley Pregnancy counseling center & Women’s clinic • Free Pregnancy Tests • Pre-natal Counseling • Medi-Cal Referrals • Limited Early Term Ultrasound We are open for Walk-ins Mon-Thurs 9am-2pm 1334 E. Palmdale Blvd, Ste E 661-947-0400
Pro-LIFe rosary
12pm-1pm Family Chapel Sacred Heart Church 565 West Kettering Lancaster
Fridays: 12 noon-1pm Saint Mary Church 1600 E. Avenue R-4 Palmdale
1st Saturdays of Month 7:45am-9am Adoration Room Fr. Serra Church 42121 N. 60th st West Quartz Hill
caterpillar treads; howev- er, the team is a design- ing full-scale walking robot.
Suidobashi has the Kurata, a 5,000 kg pilot- ed mech suit that sports two arms and four wheeled legs that allows it to travel speeds up to 10 km. Pilots can move
Stop Pearblossom pollu- tion!. Report illegal tires & trash dumping • 723-4440284
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Preserve our Desert Beauty.
sToP Illegal dumping!
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Halfway To Home is a Non- Profit 501(c)3 Animal Rescue located in Mojave, California. We adopt our dogs out at Petsmart in West Palmdale (next to Trader Joes) every Saturday and Sunday from 1pm to 5pm. You can also view all our adoptable dogs on We are in need of money to help support our SPAY and NEUTER PROGRAM. If you would like to help us, please send your tax deductable donation to
its arms and torso from within the mech's enclosed cockpit, or via a remote control module.
The diesel engine-pow- ered mech is equipped with two 6,000 BB per second gatling
guns and stands at, 15 ft fully erect.
HALFWAY TO HOME, PO BOX 512, Rosamond, CA Pls call Suzanne at (661)824-4495.
Solid Apostolic Ministry of Mojave. 15721 K street SuiteC. Services are Tues: 6:30pm & Sun: 10am • 209- 7607
Veterans of America. Needs
The MegaBot have set the fight’s date in June 2016, giving time for both teams to make the necessary modifications for the fight. Suidobashi have yet to publicly respond to the mech bat- tle challenge.
We Buy Junk cars & Trucks. Also Local Towing for only $39.99 / 24 Hour service - Prices are for Lancaster only • 466-6038 / 942-5148
cHeVron TeHacHaPI Four seasons drIVe-In daIry Beer & Wine • Lotto • ATM • Groceries & Others Open: 6am-8pm
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mounTaIn VILLage exPress sHeLL Hot Foods • Made to order Sandwiches • Beer & Wine • Lotto • ATM • Groceries & Propane 24Hrs gasoline 107 South Mill St. Tehachapi 661-823-7148
gas & go
We Sell Pre-Paid Celluler Phone card Boost mobile Prepaid unlimited. Text, Internet & Walkie talkie $50/mo 106 E. Tehachapi Bl Tehachapi 661-823-8935
deLuxe gas sToP & saVe Lowest Price in town! 4am-12 Midnight 706 E. Tehachapi Bl Tehachapi
cHeVron rosamond
Gas • Lotto • ATM • Snacks & Groceries • Coffee • Beer & Wines • Cigarettes Open 24 HRS 2072 Rosamond Blvd Rosamond (661)256-3389
moJaVe naPa auTo ParTs Complete Automotive & Foreign Car Parts. Hard to Find Parts. Open 7 Days A Week 2325 Cerro Gordo St Mojave 661-824-4796 661-824-2983
moJaVe moBIL
Check Cashing • Beer • Soda • Hot & Cold Drinks & Etc. 15190 Sierra Hwy Mojave 661-824-3237
10TH & I smog & gas $20 off with ad on smog Gas • Check Cashing • Fax • ATM • Copies • Cold & hot Drinks • Snacks 1007 W. Ave I Lancaster 661-726-4975
cHeVron PearBLossom WelCome You WITh FrIendlY ServICe & SmIle 13030 Pearblssom Hwy Pearblossom
QuarTz HILL moBIL marT & Burgers Gas • Diesel • ATM Fresh Coffee & Donuts, Snacks Breakfast & Lunch. Call In Your order For Pick up 42344 50th St. West & L-8 Quartz Hill 943-0065
QuarTz HILL auTo ParTs Foreign & Domestic Parts & accessories Machine Shop Service Open 6 Days a week 42305 N. 50th St. West Quartz Hill 943-1284 943-2062 Tom murphy owner
PoWer cenTer car WasH & exPress oIL cHange Complete Auto Detailing rv • vans • Trucks • Boats 44846 Valley Central Way
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Ford Diesel hydraulic front & back, Xlnt Cond, Must See to appreciate! $7,950/obo or trade for smaller truck 661-733-4834
donations. • 944-0383
Tehachapi Humane Society is holding Kitten Adoption at Palmdale PetsMart. Every 2nd & 4th Saturday of Each Month. Each Kitten will be ready to take home.
Jolene’s Horse Rescue. Seeking sponsorship & vol- unteers are welcome, dona- tions: vehicle, tractors, & old farm equip. to help horse get on it's hooves. A non-profit organization. 285-5176