Page 9 - IAV Digital Magazine #408
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Man Gets Mistaken Hemorrhoid Surgery WhileWaitingFor WifeToGiveBirth
(ECNS) -- A man was mistaken as a patient and received surgery to remove hemorrhoids at a hospital while he was waiting for his wife to give birth.
At Hunnan Hospital in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, the surgery room for pregnant women having cesarean sections is close to a smaller one for hemor- rhoid patients.
The man surnamed Wang said he waited anxiously for about 40 minutes outside the sur- gery room before a doc- tor beckoned him in and ordered him to take off his pants.
The doctor said briefly, "just do what you are told" when the 29-year- old man asked for a rea- son. Wang said he
feared to be laughed at if he asked further so he lied down on the bed.
During his surgery, Wang said he heard the cries of his newborn baby, then felt a pain in his bottom after leaving the bed.
Wang called his experi- ence "unbelievable" and demanded an explana- tion from the hospital.
The hospital later said it was a mistake and promised to pay 5,000 yuan ($750) in compen- sation, adding that Wang really did have hemor- rhoids.
A legal affairs officer working for the hospital said Wang should be partly responsible for the wrong surgery because he is an adult.
He still needs rest from the unexpected surgery but is happy both his wife and child are in
sound condition. Wang said his only regret is that he can't currently take care of his wife.
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Donuts, Muffins, Scones, Pastries, Cookies, Croissants. Gourmet Coffee 1884 E. Ave J Lancaster (661)723-9991
Sandwiches, Croissant, Bagels, Smoothies, Ice Mocha, Gourmet Coffee, Cappuccino & Etc. Special 14 donuts for $3.99 Sandwiches: Small: $2.99 w/soda large: $3.99 w/soda retail/Wholesale 39522 10th st. West #D Palmdale Behind McDonalds 273-3078
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Baked Fresh Daily
Donuts, Muffins, Scones, Pastries, Cookies, Croissants, Bagels Gourmet Coffee 4654 E. Avenue S # C Palmdale (661)285-4471
Solid wood China cabinet $150 • 946-7005412
Dresser, heavy duty; Blacklight • 210-0103412
Folding bed, newer, memo- ry foam topped mattress • 256-3352411
Boxspring & mattress $20 • 674-6551408
Darkwood queen size wooden bedframe, no mat- tress, headboard, side- board, footboard, xlnt cond • 526-6541408
King mattress & boxspring, like new $200 • 526-6541408
5 Chairs, burgundy, covered in plastic $50 • 674-6551408
Couch w/ pillows, hideaway bed, very good cond $50;
Area rug $20ea • 674-6551
2 Wood side dressers w/ 2 drawers on each $20ea • 723-0362407
Wicker bedroom set, 2 night stand, 2 lamps, box spring & mattress, headboard $785 • 349-3660407
Computer desk, black $10; 5 dining room chairs, cov- ered in plastic $50 • 349- 3660407
Table 41Lx28”w, w/ glasstop, oval shape, very good cond $60 • 723-0362407
Table 58” L x16” W w/ glasstop $30 • 723-0362407
Dresser $40 • 946-0962407
Large couch $100 • 946- 0962407
Computer table $15 • 946- 0962407
King size waterbed, Armoir, night stands, dresser. Make offer • 943-6071407
3)Foldable chaise lounges $30 for all. Vinyl & metal • 272-9273 bet 8:00am- 8:30pm only404
2 China cabinets $300each • 943-6071403
Round oak dining w/ 2 matching chairs. Great cond $75 • 272-9273 bet 8:00am- 8:30pm only403
Good looking dining table w/ 2 matching chairs $55 • 272-9273 bet 8:00am-
Suit: Law Banning Stun Gun Ownership Violates 2nd Amendment
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — A New Jersey man who wants a nonlethal way to defend himself and his family is suing the state, saying its law prohibiting private ownership of stun guns violates the Second Amendment.
Mark Cheeseman and the New Jersey Second Amendment Society filed a lawsuit Thursday in federal court in Trenton.
In court papers, Cheeseman said Taser International declined his order for a Taser Pulse model because the state bans the sale of such merchandise. Cheeseman said he wants the device to pro-
tect himself and his family.
He argues that a person who justifi- ably uses deadly force may be taken into police custody and have to defend his actions in court. He also could be sued and suffer psychological effects, he said.
The New Jersey Second Amendment Society said its members want to own stun guns for self- defense and other lawful purposes.
The lawsuit seeks to block the ban on private ownership of stun guns and have it declared unconstitutional and
The state law defines a stun gun as "any weapon or other device
which emits an elec- trical charge or cur- rent intended to tem- porarily or perma- nently disable a per- son."
The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution says, "A well regulat- ed Militia, being nec- essary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
The state attorney general's office said it doesn't comment on matters involving pend- ing litigation.

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