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Baton Rouge Family Surprised By $50B Mistaken Deposit
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
By Sommer Brokaw
June 28 (UPI) -- A Baton Rouge fam- ily was surprised to find $50 billion mistakenly deposited to their account.
Darren James found out about the $50 billion deposit through his wife who fran- tically called him, and told him to sit down before showing it to him, local news sta- tion BR Proud reported.
"It was crazy just
to see what it looks like because I've never seen that many zeros in my life," James told BR Proud. "I wasn't going to keep it. The thing that was most baf- fling was, we don't even know where it came from. We don't know any- body with that kind of money."
James called the bank immediately to report the mis- taken deposit and find out what hap- pened, according to Newsweek.
The family took
screenshots to remember the once-in-a-lifetime error, and the bank reversed the mistake within four days, according to BR Proud.
Recipients of mis- taken bank deposits are not allowed to keep the money, BR Proud and Newsweek report- ed. Banks usually spot the error and reverse the trans- action, and those who spend the money may face criminal charges for theft of proper- ty lost by mistake.
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine

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