Page 14 - IAV Digital Magazine #12
P. 14

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2 Boys bikes, good cond $60 • 802-4033415
Baby crib, all wood. Size 55” L & 30” W $40 • 723- 0362413
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Big box of Legos $90 • 946- 7005413
Children bedroom set. Dresser, chairs w/ antique rack over the dresser $100 • 943-6071406
Baby crib, complete, like new $20 • 947-4343399
Small boxes of new & used baby clothes. 3mons-1yr $10; 6mons-2yrs $20 • 947-4343398
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Barbie case on wheels w/ Barbie dolls $20 for all • 233-3389398
Older foldable single baby stroller $25. Heavy duty, built tough. Storage basket • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm385
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Lotto • Beer • Liquor • Snacks • Groceries 43535 Gadsden Ave. • Lancaster (661)949-0107
Rolling walker, new • 943-
Wheelchair in xlnt cond $60 • 943-6071413
Colossal 32,000-pieceJigsawPuzzle No Match For Tenacious Retiree
By Leanne Smith
Moscow TWP., MI – An avowed "left-brainer," Pat Norman thrives on mak- ing order out of disorder, structure out of random- ness.
But even her calculating mind found a formidable foe in something as sim- ple as a jigsaw puzzle.
Well, maybe simple isn't the right word.
This puzzle, a pictur- esque view of the New York City skyline from the 61st floor of the Rockefeller Center, has 32,256 pieces.
"There were times when I'd get five pieces in and I'd be happy," Norman said. "Then, there were times I was nauseated because I was so stressed."
It took Norman 20 months to complete this colossal 17-foot-10-inch- wide-by-6-foot-4-inch-tall puzzle.
"I was not going to let it defeat me," she said.
Since retiring in 2008 after 26 years as Jonesville Community Schools' business man- ager, puzzles have become Norman's pas- sion. But, when her hus- band Jim first found this Ravensburger puzzle titled "New York City Window" at the Toy House in Jackson, Norman wasn't keen on it.
"I said, 'No way, don't even think about it,'" she said.
But, the challenge of conquering this kind of beast began to gnaw at her.
"The more I thought about it, the more excit- ed I got," Norman said.
Soon after purchasing the $300 puzzle in December 2014, it became clear that her husband's bad back wasn't going to let him help piece it together. Norman started it right away anyway, and finish- ing it became her solo effort.
The 42 pounds of puzzle pieces came in a big box. They were divided into eight packages, with each package making a 4,000-piece section of the whole picture.
The Toy House has sold three of these puzzles, the Normans being the first buyers, said Phil Wrzesinski, owner.
"Pat is the only one we've heard back from, and we were really excit- ed," Wrzesinski said. "We knew it could be done. It just takes some- one with a lot of patience and the will to do the work."
Norman put each section together individually and stored the completed sections flat on a table until they all were done.
"You had to get out of the mindset of going for the edge pieces," she said. "You had to sort by color and even by the subtle shading of the col- ors in the pieces."
Using a lighted magnify-
ing glass, Norman metic- ulously matched piece by piece until the final piece was in place on Aug. 12. It then took another hour to connect all the sections on white poster board on the basement floor.
The challenge now is to find a place for the com- pleted puzzle as it cur- rently rests on the floor in a room where a Thanksgiving meal soon will be served. Norman won't completely disman- tle it, but she will take apart the sections so she can store them until deciding where and how to display the whole thing.
"I would do another one like this – not right away – but absolutely again," she said.
In the meantime, Norman, who co-pastors Jonesville's Adriel Christian Church with her husband, has begun a new puzzle.
"This one only has 9,000 pieces," she said.

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