Page 10 - IAV Digital Magazine #416
P. 10

The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers
Large antique jewelry armoire, xlnt cond $75 • 943-6071414
9 Antique calendar 1894- 1902, $25 - $60 Also some other collectibles • 948- 9591413
Antique radio jet wagon $69. It’s been exposed to outside weather. Great peti- na • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm387
Antique wooden chair. Real old, solid wood chair. Mid 1940’s- Mid 50’s. Maybe old school house chair. Ready to be refurbished • 272- 9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm385
Costco stair/step stool, xlnt cond 40-50yrs old. 13 1/2” wide x 11” deep x 35” tall $47 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm371
Antique Mantel Clock col- lection. Late 1800's to 1930's & 60's. 6 clocks total, All $2200 •  265-0261
Antique 1960’s tricycle for restoration project. Complete. Restore it or used as yard decoration $45 • 272-9273 bet 8am- 8:30pm only352
Pokemon cards w/ holders
$20 • 947-4343 419
Movie star nude cards 60pcs w/ cardholders $30 • 382-7889419
Vintage Chinese figurines, multi-color, 6” • 626-321- 6345418
Penthouse cards $30-$40ea • 233-3389414
1966-87 Playboy magazine collection, good cond • 818-
Avon from 1960-80’s. 50 items in perfect cond. All for $50 • 943-6071403
NSync “Joey” on tour figure/ Marionette $23, in box. Never removed • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm only373
3)1942 Army canteens w/ belts $50 for all • 943-6071374
1960’s vintage Coca Cola sign $65. • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm only352
Planter Peanut round tin can 1994. Great collector piece $15 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm only352
1970’s Miller beer high life plastic sign for bar. 18.5” high x 13.75”widex 1.5”thick. Great for man- cave, bar or office. Brown background w/ white letter- ing $28 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm only352
Upright piano full size, solid wood. Older, works good $250 • 272-9273 bet 8:00am-8:30pm only403
Yamaha piano, polished fin- ish, black, almost new, make offer • 944-7171
Kawai organ, great cond, sounds great, make offer • 944-7171
Conn Artist Organ, 1960's Model, Cherry Wood, In Mint Condition, $2500/obo • 265-0261dp
HOmE &
UHAUL rentALS - Boxes
Hardware, Building materials, Paint, Plumbing, Irrigations & drip Supplies, Nuts & Bolts. Since 1952 5041 West Ave M Quartz Hill 661-943-4110
Large pick up load of sea- soned firewood $75 • 949-
420 7185
9 Plastic round table $30 • 943-6071420
9 plastic patio chairs w/
back • 943-6071 420
Firewood: 4cords of hard- wood & scrapwood. You haul $400 • 943-6071419
Trees $15-$20. Small ones
416 $2each • 400-2494
Matching /stacking patio chairs $25. Older but still work good • 272-9273 bet
390 8am-8:30pm
3pcs plastic gate/ portable barrier $35. Strong & durable vinyl. Easy put up/ take down. 33” wide x40.5 tall x99” long • 272-9273 bet
8:30am-8:30pm 394
Plastic hose reel. Good cond. Rolls $18 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm376
Manure/Seed spreaders. 3 to choose from. xlnt cond $25each • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm37
Round metal patio table $22, sturdy • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm only366
Round top patio table, 36” round. Fiberglass top, metal frame, sturdy $30 • 272- 9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm only354
Round portable, mini BBQ. Great for tailgates, beach or home Looks & works fine 28”tall x 15” round $15 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
334 8:30pm
50 stepping stones, 50 red bricks $30 takes all • 943-
420 6071
Metallic shed, disassem- bled, 40’x60’x16’ $6500 or
Conn Artist Organ
1960's Model Cherry Wood, In Mint Condition $2500/obo (661) 265-0261
Box of baseball, hockey, basketball & football cards, 3000pcs $40 for the whole box • 947-4343401
Over 2000 Baseball cards $50; Trading cards w/ hold-
trade • 943-0604418
32” Pre-hung interior door. New but has some minor stains. Pre-bored for lockset $40 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
Matching set $40 • 272- 9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm
Corrugated Galvanized Drain Pipe. 18inch By 20 feet, Brand New $150each.
Birdhouse/mailbox stand/holder (no mailbox) $17. New, will not rust, white color, Posting kit only • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
ers $25 • 947-4343
Betty Boops handbags, almost new $15 • 947-4343
1954 Elvis Pressley Illustration record book $30 • 947-4343403
8:30pm only
I have 10 •  265-0261
8:30pm only
Used glass shower doors, No tracks or rails. One side mirror, one side frosted glass. Good to fair cond.
Roll up bay door, 9’x9’ tall. No rails, great cond $225firm • 272-9273 bet
363 8:30am-8:30pm
Glass light covers for inside houses or add ons. 12”& 9.5” & 6.5” diameters. For older type light fixtures •
Venezuela Seizes
Christmas Toys To
Distribute To Poor
Venezuelan authorities have arrested two toy company executives and seized almost four million toys, which they say they will distribute to the poor.
Officials accused the company of hoarding toys and hiking prices in the run-up to
Last week, the govern- ment issued an order to retailers to reduce prices on a range of goods by 30%.
Business owners say the order is a populist political move, and pushing them towards bankruptcy.
Venezuela's consumer protection agency, Sundde, said toy distrib- utor Kreisel had stock- piled the goods and was reselling them at a mar- gin of up to 50,000%.
"Our children are sacred, we will not let you rob them of Christmas," it said in a tweet, along with photos and video of thousands of boxes of toys.
In total, 3,821,926 toys were seized from two warehouses, and would be sold at low prices, it said.
William Contreras, head of Sundde, said Kreisel had claimed the toys were old or discontin- ued. The agency also posted photos of the two executives being marched from the prem- ises by a squad of
heavily armed soldiers.
This is not the first time Venezuela has ordered price cuts on retailers, or mobilised armed units to enforce it.
In late 2013, the country introduced laws allowing the government to fix prices and dictate profit margins.
The same legislation limited profits to 30% - the amount often dis- counted in the compul- sory "adjustments" enforced by Sundde at hundreds of retailers in the past week.
The same measures have been used to fix the prices of basic prod- ucts such as flour, meat and bread - but supply is limited in a country where many people go hungry.
A jar of Nutella - a luxu- ry item - can cost half the monthly minimum wage.
The Venezuelan govern- ment is becoming increasingly unpopular as the country's eco- nomic crisis grows.
The nation is rich in oil, but international oil prices have fallen in recent years.
The International Monetary Fund esti- mates that inflation - the rate at which prices go up - will hit 2,000% next year.
Venezuela is ready to issue new, higher-value notes to deal with the problem - but rising prices are still squeez- ing many ordinary citi- zens.

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