Page 10 - iAV Digital Magazine #417
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Facebook Safety Check Creates False Alarm in Bangkok
Facebook users in Bangkok were falsely alerted to an "explosion" in the Thai capital, after the social network acti- vated its Safety Check feature.
It allows Facebook users in danger zones to mark themselves as safe, but in this instance was triggered by a pro- tester throwing firecrack- ers.
Facebook said it relied on a "trusted third party to confirm the incident".
But the way it was labelled misled many online as people started sharing false news of a blast.
Facebook has recently faced criticism for allow- ing fake news to prolifer- ate.
What actually happened in Bangkok
On Tuesday, a protester threw small firecrackers at a government building in Bangkok (link in Thai).
According to Facebook, this triggered the Safety Check feature at about 21:00 local time which created a page titled "The Explosion in Bangkok, Thailand" and people started marking themselves as safe.
The page also pulled in a link from a website called bangkokin- referencing a BBC breaking news video about an explo- sion in Bangkok, but the video was in fact taken
in 2015 in reference to a blast at the Erawan shrine.
How does Safety Check work?
When Facebook first introduced the safety feature tool in 2014, it would activate the fea- ture manually. In November, Facebook changed course and said it would now be activated "by our com- munity".
Now, a third-party
source alerts Facebook when an incident occurs. The social plat- form then searches to see if users in the area are discussing the inci- dent.
If enough users are ref- erencing the incident, those in the area are invited to mark them- selves as safe.
According to Facebook, the title of the safety check is taken from the alert provided by the third-party source.
Bob’s Military Store • 661-824-3333
2100 Mono Street • Mojave, CA 93501 Behind Denny’s • Fax: 661-824-8889
bolts, nuts, nails & etc. Make offer • 824-3333217
Large quantity of misc hard- ware from hardware store. Approx 2500sqft. $35,000 •
824-3333 216
300ft, 1/2inch rubber air hose for air compressor. Good cond $75 takes all •
drill, 18volt. No battery or charger $65 • 480-8205416
DeWalt stud & joist drill, like
new $260 • 480-8205 415
Ridgid tools, cordless from
$30-$100 • 480-8205
CUSTOM kITCHEN COUNTERS Fabricator & Installer Payless for Granite, Marble, Quartz, Travertine, Limestone Granite $25/sqft includes fabrication & Installations 818-738-4368 Locally owned & Operated
Hersheys kisses canisters & dispenser. 1 canister from 1982 Made in England, 1 in 1995 American. Also plastic table top dispenser. Great for Hershey or old candy memorabilia collectors $50 for set. I will not break • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
946-7005420 Hotpoint fridge, runs great
420 $75 • 946-7005
Toaster oven, like new $40 •
714-722-4391 418
Frigidaire fridge, 2dr $75 •
860-1601/ 418-3025 Maytag dryer $50 • 860-
1601/ 418-3025 418
Chest freezer, white. Looks & works great $125 • 272- 9273 bet 8:00am-8:30pm only403
& TOyS
Large bag of baby diapers $20 takes all • 943-6071413
Baby crib, complete, like
new $20 • 947-4343 399
Small boxes of new & used baby clothes. 3mons-1yr $10; 6mons-2yrs $20 •
398 947-4343
Pocahonta doll & Barbies
$3ea • 947-4343 398
Barbie case on wheels w/ Barbie dolls $20 for all •
947-4343 398
Older foldable single baby stroller $25. Heavy duty, built tough. Storage basket • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
385 8:30pm
Filipino & Asian Market Fresh Seafoods, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Cooked Foods To Go Order your fish. We’ll clean & fry it 44164 10th West Lancaster 661-945-4245
SIERRA LIQUOR & JR MARkET Check Cashing, Money Order, Liquor & Beer, Fine Wine, Cigarettes, Lotto Low Prices 42145 Sierra Hwy Lancaster 661-948-3778
Beer • Wine • Liquor • Money Order • ATM • Groceries, We accept Credit Cards & Food Stamps 15600 Sierra hwy Mojave 661-824-2721
8:30pm only
New Kirby attachement
$100 • 323-334-8748 416
New ceiling fan light fixture in box. $25, Harbor Breeze • 272-9273 bet 8:00am-
New Ceasar Chavez framed wall poster/ picture. 40”high x 30”wide x 1” thick. This would look great on your wall $29 • 272-9273 bet
1960 Bandsaw, US made, needs little work $75 • 483-
8:30am-8:30pm only
Black & Decker electric lawnmower $100 • 947-
4343 DeWalt pistol grip hammer
Whirlpool washer & dryer
$200 • 209-9244 420
Hotpoint gas dryer $50 •
8:30pm only
New turkey fryer, large size w/ full tank of propane, xlnt cond $60 • 943-6071403