Page 14 - iAV Digital Magazine #417
P. 14
The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
Toilet Paper For Smartphones Now On Offer At Japanese Airport
A mobile phone compa- ny has installed dis- pensers for "toilet paper" to be used on smartphones in the con- veniences at
Japan's Narita International Airport.
The dispensers have been put in place in 86 toilet cubicles at the air- port's arrival terminal, where they will remain until March 2017.
Provided by NTT Docomo, Japan's largest mobile operator, they will be stocked with paper sheets to be used to keep phones clean.
The sheets also bear messages welcoming visitors from overseas, and offering information on how to connect to Docomo's WiFi service.
The sheets also bear messages welcoming visitors from overseas, and offering information on how to connect to Docomo's WiFi service.
According to a 2013 study by Ofcom, 11 per cent of Britons admitted to viewing video content on a phone, tablet or laptop while in the bath- room. The figure was 20 per cent among 18 to 24 year-olds.
Which? has conducted a number of swab tests on
mobile phones that have revealed "hazardous" levels of germs that can cause vomiting and diar- rohea and even infec- tions such as e.coli.
The organisation has urged people to keep their devices clean by using anti-bacterial wipes.
Why rent when you can own? Free list w/pics of homesin Palmdale & Lancaster available for under $1300/month WWW. Free Recorded Message
1-866-219-2592 Id# 1051
Keller Williams AV, Agent Rosario Caro #01785140
E. Lancaster: Close to shops. $550/mo includes utilities. No pet & drugs. Pool, bus stop • 998-6557421
Palmdale: Gentleman only$360/mo • 265-8199420
W. Lancaster: Furnished, internet ready, near shop- ping, college & transporta- tion. $550 masterbedroom w/ private bath. $450 for bedroom w/ shared bath. Full house privileges. Laundry, jacuzzi, pool. Pd utilities, No pets, drugs & no
smoking, pets or drugs. Nice area. Plenty of street parking. Close to freeway, month to month, must be employed. Refundable cleaning, security deposit $350. $405/mo, 1/3 utilities • 483-4529416
Over 200 houses & con- dos in the Antelope Valley. Bargain prices. These are bank owned, short pay, foreclosures. Call us today. Ask for Tony Austin 661-722-5255 or Betty at 661-944-7171
Yucca, Arizona: 2.5acres, bare land $15,000 • 728- 7687419
Antelope Acres: 5 acres, no utilities $20,000 • 944-7171
Lake LA: 2.5 acres $29,900 • 661-944-7171
Mojave: 17acres, agriculture on Hwy 58, flat, surveyed (4Lots). Power in front $100,000 • 824-3333
3acres on Hwy 58. R1, flat w/ electric $48,000 • 824- 3333257
For sale: N. Edwards: 2.5 acres commercial land w/ 60’ Mobile Home, 2wells, 3,000sqft commercial bldg $299K • 824-3333
Over 200 houses & con- dos in the Antelope Valley. Bargain Prices. These are bank owned, short pay, foreclosures. Call us today. Betty at 661-944- 7171
1966 Single wide mobile home. 10’x50’ $15000firm • 445-3682418
For Sale: Commercial zoned. 2.5acres w/ mobile home & 3000sqft metal bldg in No. Edwards $100,000 • 824-3333336
smoking • 718-2020
Palmdale: Own bath, own entrance, pd utilities. Must have work $495 + $400dep • 714-722-4391418
E. Palmdale: No smoking, drugs, alcohol. Quiet envi- ronment $475-$500 • 323- 633-9436418
$400/mo. Avail on 1/5/2017 • 445-3682418
Room for rent, full privileges $350/mo • 256-0868416
Private, shared kitchen, bath & living room. No