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Each year we say we’ll start doing this, or stop doing that. But more often than not our big plans get dashed some- time in January. Here are some of the more commonly recited new years resolutions that pop up in late December, as well as others that are more likely to make it through the 365 days and really improve your life.
1. Lose Weight
This is a perennial favorite for many resolu- tion makers, and it does- n’t take much to figure out why. The holiday season is a time to overeat and indulge and things might come to a head, with many people reaching their fat-gain breaking point after a New Year’s Eve buffet dinner.
2. Travel More
It’s tempting to want to get out and see more of the world, especially if you feel stuck in your rut or you haven’t been any- where lately. This is one of the most common res- olutions, just be sure to be a bit more specific on where you want to go because vague ideas rarely get done, but attainable goals are something you can work with.
3. Quit Smoking
This is often considered one of the hardest habits to break, and there are plenty of products, books, and systems to help you along. Still the most effective method is going cold turkey.
4. Get a Health Check Up If you’ve been putting off the annual check-up and
it’s been awhile since you’ve been given a clean bill of health, you may want to resolve to going in for a doctor’s visit. Starting the year off
without having to worry about a serious medical condition looming in the background is one way to make it great.
5. Listen to My Favorite Music More
They say music is the soundtrack of life, but it’s also a great way to put you in a better mood, no matter what the circum- stances are. The year ahead is going to have its challenging moments, so reach for your favorite tunes more often and get taken to your happy place instantly.
6. dress More Like My Style Between having to dress
according to your employer’s dress code and following the con- ventional fashion of today’s apparel shops, you might have lost that part of you that wants to come out. Do an over- haul of your wardrobe and start wearing things that make you feel good.
7. Stop Twerking
Twerking become the buzzword of the year after Miley Cyrus made her appearance at the VMAs, but this is one trend that needs to be left in the past as we turn a new page and start afresh this year. Surely as a species we can come up with some- thing better as the next sensation that everyone is talking about.
8. Get a Six Pack
This is one of those elu- sive health goals that sounds great when you first get the idea, but then gets cast aside after a few weeks. Without the proper amount of dedication and a strategy to get it, you might be fall short and become another statistic. Meet with a per- sonal trainer to discuss the diet and fitness regi- men you’ll need to follow
to succeed.
9. Stop Being Racist
In his book Blink Malcolm Gladwell tells of research that shows even people that would- n’t consider themselves racist show an uncon- scious racial bias in tests. Even though we’ve got the first black President, we’ve still got a long way to go, and we can all benefit from being more understand- ing of other races and cultures.
10. Be Healthier
This is one New Year’s goal that doesn’t pro- duce many success sto- ries. Why? It’s too vague. You can’t quickly quantify “being healthier” so there’s no way to hold yourself accountable later. Choose something you can measure more easily that falls under the healthy umbrella.
11. Stop Eating Fast Food
It seems like each year we learn more about just how bad fast food is for the body. If you’ve resolved to lose weight or get a six pack, you’ll definitely want to drop the fast food habit cold turkey. It can be hard because all of the fat, sugars, and chemical additives make it darn near addictive.
12. Validate People In My Life More
It’s easy to take the important people in your
life for granted, especial- ly if you see them every day. You don’t have to get all mushy every time you’re around them, but taking the time to let them know how impor- tant they are to you on an occasional basis will make you feel good and will strengthen the rela- tionship.
13. Get Famous
It’s easier now than ever before to become an overnight sensation. Whether you just want your 15 minutes of fame,
oryouwanttobeabona fide celebrity, start brain- storming how you can make it happen. It could take just one viral video, or you might need to go get head shots and an agent, but you can do it!
14. Stop Judging People
“Judge not lest ye be judged.” It’s in the Bible, but people of all faiths and beliefs can sub- scribe to this one. If you’re sitting in judgment it probably represents an insecurity on your part. Spend less time worry- ing about others, and spend more time improv- ing yourself.
15. Quit drinking (Or At Least Cut Back)
Most people are aware of the damaging effects of drinking alcohol, especially binge drink- ing, but we do it anyway. Even cutting back on how often you drink, or how much you drink in
16. Quit Farting So Much
While passing gas is a natural part of life, there’s such thing as excessive gas. If you find that you’re letting them rip at inopportune times, or producing more than what seems aver- age, look into changing your diet or taking sup- plements designed to prevent the gas from forming.
17. Stop Hating Myself
It’s easy to be hard on yourself, and many of us are our own biggest crit- ics. It’s possible to ease up on yourself while still holding yourself to high standards.
18. Find a Girlfriend/Boyfriend
Finding love is no easy chore, and keep in mind that many times you find that special someone when you stop looking. Perhaps it might be best to work on self-improve- ment so you can attract them automatically.
19. Get More Sleep
Sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your well-being, but many of us stay up into the wee hours, and wake up before we’re fully rested. Try following the circadian rhythm by getting to bed early and waking up early. You’ll notice a big improve- ment right away.
20. detox the Body
If you’ve been eating the wrong foods, not getting enough sleep, not drink- ing enough water, drink- ing alcohol, or smoking, your body would proba- bly benefit greatly from a detox program. These can be whole body, or you can focus on a spe- cific organ.
21. Start a Savings Account or IRA In a turbulent economy it
both more important and harder to squirrel some money away for a rainy or rainier day, or for your retirement. But even put- ting away a small amount of money each week or each month can add up over the long run, and can be the dif- ference between having some cash in a pinch or having the retirement you really want.
22. Stop drinking Soda
With its High Fructose Corn Syrup, corrosive acid, and empty calories, these beverages aren’t doing much for you, and can have a detrimental effect on your body. Some people start losing weight just be removing sodas as a drink option.
23. Reconnect with an Old Friend
Nowadays it’s easier than ever to find old friends and strike up a new conversation with them. It often happens that two people can drift apart for no good rea- son, and it just takes one of them to rekindle things.
24. Get a Mentor
If you’ve got a big goal you’re trying to accom- plish this year, find someone that already has what you want and try to learn as much as you can from them. Often we’re too proud to get advice, but this can be the biggest shortcut to getting what you want that goes largely over- looked by goal seekers.
25. Get ‘er done (Stop Procrastinating)
Perhaps there’s lots of things on this list that you’ve already promised yourself you’d stop or start doing, but you just haven’t gotten around to doing it. At some point you’ve got to make it your priority and make time for it.

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