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University Stands By "Problem of Whiteness" Course
By Amanda Jackson,
(CNN)The University of Wisconsin-Madison is offering a course next semester called "The Problem of Whiteness," and it's not sitting well with a Republican legis- lator.
Wisconsin Rep. Dave Murphy, who is also the chairman of the Assembly Committee on Colleges and Universities, has asked the university to cancel the course, saying it prompts racial division.
"I am extremely con- cerned that UW-Madison finds it appropriate to teach a course called, 'The Problem of Whiteness,' with the premise that white peo- ple are racist," Murphy said in a statement this week. He even threat- ened to pull funding for the state university.
The course, taught by Professor Damon Sajnani, is part of the African Cultural Studies program at the universi- ty's College of Letters and Science.
"Have you ever won- dered what it really means to be white? If you're like most people, the answer is probably 'no.' But here is your chance!," reads the course description.
"In this class, we will ask what an ethical white
identity entails, what it means to be #woke, and consider the journal Race Traitor's motto, 'treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.'"
The course description says it includes readings from W.E.B. Du Bois, Ta- Nehisi Coates and the professor's own article analyzing Rachel Dolezal.
Murphy said the universi- ty must discontinue the class.
"If UW-Madison stands with this professor, I don't know how the uni- versity can expect the taxpayers to stand with UW-Madison," he wrote.
The university defended its curriculum and said it takes pride in offering a variety of courses.
"We believe this course, which is one of thou- sands offered at our uni- versity, will benefit stu- dents who are interested in developing a deeper understanding of race issues. The course is a challenge and response to racism of all kinds," read the university state- ment
Murphy also questioned the university's decision to have Sajnani teach the course.
"Even more troubling, the course is taught by a self-described 'interna- tional radical' professor whose views are a slap in the face to the taxpay- ers who are expected to pay for this garbage," said Murphy. In his statement, he referred to Sajnani's con- troversial tweets on top- ics such as police brutali-
ty and the Ku Klux Klan.
Murphy was joined in his criticism by Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, who wrote on Twitter, "This is racism against white people. ALL racism is wrong."
The professor is stand- ing by his class and con- tinues to share mes- sages of support on his Twitter page.
"Good day haters! Keep fueling me with your Tomfoolery. The angrier whites are about interro- gating their identity the greater is the need for it," he stated on Twitter.
"My only complaint about this course is that I already graduated from the UW and can't take it," one person posted.