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iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Archaeologist Stunned
After Unearthing 3,000
year Old Penis Statue
Used By Cult
By Sofie Jackson
A giant penis statue — meas- uring an impres- sive 21 inches — has been unearthed by archaeologists in Sweden. The girthy phallus might even have been used in blood sacrifices to a pagan fertili- ty god, researchers said.
Dated to be from the Bronze Age, between 1800 and 500 BC, the penis rock was discovered during an excavation near Gothenburg. It has been linked to a fertility cult, having been found alongside a lot of animal bones which hints that the area was used for sacrifice. The lack of any human bones ruled out the the- ory that the phal- lus was a unique headstone.
Archaeologist Gisela Ängeby told local media:
“It has a distinct phallus shape.
“I thought when I came across it that ‘oh my god it can't be true’.
“I showed the pic- ture to colleagues and there is no discussion, it has a very penis-like shape.” The team think the remark- able rock might have already had a penile shape before craftsmen added extra details. “I believe that in connection with the erection, it was used to offer sacrifices,
for example with- in the framework of a fertility cult,” the archeologist added.
Penis-shaped objects are fairly common archeo- logical discover- ies. A lucky charm shaped as an erect penis and testicles — designed to ward off evil — has been estimated to be dated from 100AD. It was discovered, com- pletely acciden- tally, by divers in south-east Spain.
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine