Page 35 - HW August 2020
P. 35

global eyes
US hardware buys into masks
be against masking up but, in these Covid-19 times, the US hardware players are practically unanimous about requiring both staff and now all customers to mask up when entering a store.
With all Home Depot associates required to wear masks in stores, distribution centres and other locations, in mid-July, Home Depot stated that it would mandate masks across its entire store network, having
previously required masks in about 85% of stores.
Signage is posted at all store entrances and announcements are made through in-store PA systems, on top of which social distancing captains and store associates can provide masks to shoppers who may not have one.
Lowe’s has required associates to wear masks since May and has been in compliance across those locations where authorities have required customers to wear masks.
Now Lowe’s too has now mandated mask wearing nationwide and has also been offering free masks, while supplies last. All Lowe’s stores have signage at the entrances requesting that customers wear face coverings.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) continues to advise masks and face coverings as an effective tool to combat the spread of COVID-19.
As has been found in Australia, however, the question is whose job it is to enforce this masking up...
Don’t touch that trolley, unless...
IN A BID to ensure customer safety as the UK continues to struggle with Covid- 19 – and no doubt also seeking to get one up on its FMCG opposition – UK supermarket Asda has been trialling a “trolley wash” facility.
Developed by UK company,  e WasteCare Group, a unit is now in place at Asda’s Morley (West Yorkshire) store and works by coating trolleys in  ne particles containing an anti-microbial solution, “leaving them clean and dry to the touch in seconds”.
 e process takes 10-15 seconds to complete, is water-less, runs on
electricity and uses an electrostatically charged mist to ensure that all touch points such as handles, rails and child seats are thoroughly sterilised.
A single tank of the anti-microbial solution can sanitise up to 20,000 trolleys.
Asda says that the
system eliminates “99.99%
of all known bacteria, viruses and pollutants, leaving trolleys clean and safe
for colleagues and customers to touch.”
AUGUST 2020 | NZHJ 33

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