Page 6 - OPE Nov 21-Feb 22
P. 6

Local and International News
California’s SORE ban – more to come?
   AIMING TO ACHIEVE 100% zero emissions from equipment powered by small off-road engines
(SOREs) in California by 2035, last month, California’s Governor signed a law that will effectively ban the sale of new products powered by SOREs (spark-ignited engines rated at or below 25hp/19kW).
Vendors will be prohibited from selling any SORE-based product manufactured after 1 July 2024 in the smoky state of California, but the new law does not affect the sale of used or pre-owned products powered by SOREs.
As you will know, this class of engine
is used extensively in outdoor power equipment, as well as generators (the new law presumably requiring pivoting to hydrogen?), logging equipment, commercial utility equipment and speciality vehicles.
It has been argued that SOREs create as much pollution in California as passenger vehicles and, with a reported 16.7 million of these small engines in use around California
(compared to 13 million already emission- regulated passenger cars), the intent of the new law makes sense.
The pro lobby also has it that a petrol- powered leaf blower might use as much fuel in one hour as driving 1,100 miles, while running the engine of a lawn mower for the same period equates to a 300-mile drive.
Be that as it may, busy and typically sceptical Californian landscaping professionals quickly went on to the front foot, saying zero emission products are
not only prohibitively more expensive (especially if multiple batteries are entered into the cost equation) but also much less efficient than their current tools, plus their workshops will need to be substantially re-outfitted to cope with charging the tools.
The upside is that there is provision in the law for rebates and California’s budget already includes some US$30 million provision for funding to soften the blow for outdoor power professionals when switching from petrol-power products to
battery-driven alternatives.
With California again having set a
base level for emissions, other states may follow.
Indeed, as many as 100 cities have already started along a parallel path to California, albeit driven as much by the noise-abatement
lobby as the drive for zero emissions. California has regulated passenger car
emissions since 1990, the next major step being to ban sales of new combustion- engined cars and trucks by 2035 and then to mandate truck and van manufacturers to switch to electric by 2045. n
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