Page 6 - HW March 2021
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                          NZ Hardware Journal is published 11 times per year (monthly except for January)
Group editor Steve Bohling
mob 021 0223 6887
Account manager Susan Kennedy
mob 021 317 176
Account manager Karen Condon
mob 0275 420 338
Studio manager Rachel Walker
mob 021 169 0102
Event manager Nic McCord
mob 021 828 142
Publisher Simon Little
mob 021 507 343
Subscription enquiries
Contributors to this issue
Alan Johnston, Andy Kerr
Image Centre
Phone 09 375 3097 PO Box 28372 Remuera, Auckland
The opinions and materials published in New Zealand Hardware Journal are not those of the publisher except where specifically stated. The contents must not be published in any form without the permission of the publisher.
© Copyright 2021 Marketplace Media
2456 • 30/9/2018
  A letter from lockdown
Dear reader
I hope you are well?
I’m writing this with Auckland back in
Level 3 and the rest of Godzone in Level 2. Frustrating though this is for many
individuals and for many businesses, don’t assume that this is the new normal.
And don’t get used to it – the next normal will be along shortly.
Gathering information for this issue
of NZ Hardware Journal has if nothing else drummed into me just how much disruption has been caused by COVID- 19 and just how deeply the pandemic has affected our chosen industry.
The cost of freight has mushroomed, shipments have been in limbo for weeks and months, staple building materials (even locally sourced) have been in short supply and end user prices have risen.
So in this respect we’re deeply grateful for the time people still take to talk to
us around content and for spending the advertising dollars that are our life blood.
Fascinating too and highly impressive to hear about how suppliers, merchants and retailers have adjusted their businesses
to accommodate irregularities in their
supply chains.
I’ve already advised against getting used
to the current situation and, one year on from this virus touching our shores for the first time, few of the many people
I’ve spoken to for this issue believe the situation won’t change again – and none believe that the adjustments they’ve made to their businesses are forever.
What can you do?
Stay agile, stay well and think of others – personally, I am going to get myself vaccinated at the earliest possible opportunity.
Talking of opportunities, good on
the Government for finally putting the hammer down on reinventing the ancient legislation we all know (and hate) as the Resource Management Act.
Let’s hope it’ll make life easier for everyone connected with making greater numbers of more affordable homes – and that these homes and where they build them offer real value and are built to last.
Talking of worthwhile legacies, we’ll be launching the 2021 Hardware Awards in May.
We’re currently talking with stakeholders and potential entrants before finalising the details but for now you can assume the Gala Dinner event will take place again in early November, the later than usual date having been well accepted last year
I’ll keep you posted with developments. See you soon and all the very best!
Steve Bohling, editor
   4 NZHJ | MARCH 2021

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