Page 18 - HW Sept 2021
P. 18
stats watch
Value of building work put in place – June 2021 quarter
(Unadjusted value.) Source: Statistics NZ
7500 7000 6500 6000 5500 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000
500 0
previous year, for the year ending June 2021 compared to the year ending June 2019, residential was +17.6%, non- residential +2.9% and total building work +12.3%.
Building consents continue to be in high growth mode and remain at elevated levels.
Consents by value for the July month were as follows:
• Residential: $1.8 billion (+24.9% on
July 2020).
• Non-residential: $699 million
• Total: $2.5 billion (+21.2%).
By volume, 4,211 new dwellings were consented in the month (+24% on July 2020), of which 55% were standalone houses, 30% townhouses, flats & units, 6% apartments and 9% retirement village units.
Year to date July 2021, consent values were as follows:
• Residential: $19.1 billion (+21.5% on
YTD July 2020).
• Non-residential: $7.8 billion
• Total: $26.9 billion (+19.6%).
In the year ended July 2021, 45,119 new dwellings were consented, +20% on the July 2020 year, led by Auckland (+29% on YTD July 2020) and Rest of North Island (+25%), with Canterbury +19%, Waikato +15% and Wellington (+4.6%), with Rest of South Island negative 1.1%, driven by falls in Marlborough and Otago.
YTD July 2021, growth in the value
of non-residential building consents was driven by education buildings (+26%) and factories (+70%) and offices, administration & public transport buildings (+10%).
Stats NZ’s August 2021 building consent data is to be released on 30 September, with the September quarter’s Value of Building Work put in Place scheduled for release on 6 December.
Look to for the most timely updates.
Residential building consents – Value – Aug 2019-July 2021
(Total residential consents, incl. adds & alts, unadjusted value). Source: Statistics NZ
2000 1800 1600 124000 12800 10600 18400 16200 14000
2800 600 400 200
0 900
Non-residential building consents – Value – Aug 2019-July 2021
(Total non-residential consents, unadjusted value) Source: Statistics NZ
1000 700
6900 5800 4700 3600 2500 1400 300 200 100
16 NZHJ | SEPTEMBER 2021 3500
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