Page 31 - HW September 2020
P. 31

painting & decorating
Plasterboard hole repair made easy – MANNERS Building Products has a new and innovative way to  x holes in drywall or plasterboard walls and ceilings that offers a fast, cost-effective solution. Designed and made in NZ and available in three user friendly options – In ataFix Wall Repair Kit (small & large) and In ataFix 2-in-1 Ceiling or Wall Repair Kit. A simple all in one kit, In ataFix comes with an in atable back block system and a specially formulated, fast drying, smooth plaster for a superior  nish. Fixes holes in minutes, without rust stains and no glue required.
Do-it-all wallboard sealer – When it comes to interior wallboard sealers your customers will want a product that does it all. A good sealer/undercoat should offer  exibility in application (brushed, rolled or sprayed), have good opacity, should sand freely and promote adhesion for top coats. Paint+ Seal Coat has all of these attributes covered, with the performance of a top-end product but priced for the budget conscious. Seal Coat also carries Environmental Choice certi cation and is manufactured in a certi ed carbon neutral facility.
space with minimal clutter and an accent on texture in other decorative elements.”
Again, balance is everything... Valspar cautions against choosing neutrals with too much of an undertone of pink or yellow – steer towards perfectly balanced, warm neutrals such as Valspar Wedding Rice, Lapin and Tears.
“White symbolises clarity and freshness, both of which are essential ingredients in times of stress,” says Sarah.
“Many of us will satisfy our desire for wellness, happiness and safety by surrounding ourselves with colours that invoke calmness and security”
“White will clear minds and create a perception of ‘room to breathe’, but avoid creating an environment that is too stark as this can result in a sense of sterility and lack of emotion.”
Go-to options are Valspar Antarctic, Amish Lace and Silver Dust.
From light to dark – deep, rich colours can help encourage sleep and promote a sense of wellbeing and tranquillity, especially in spaces used for relaxing or sleeping.
“ e deep forest green of Valspar Natural Rustic pairs perfectly with Valspar Eternal Ocean to achieve just this – the combination of these colours will put reassuring distance between you and the outside world!”

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