Page 6 - HW July 2020
P. 6
Changes to the
2020 Hardware
AFTER THE INDUSTRY lost the best part of 5-6 weeks during lockdown, the May- June Digital Edition and magazine were nally signed o the day before we went into the relative luxury and freedom of Alert Level 1.
Since then, for us and for all the suppliers, retailers and merchants we’ve been talking to, it’s been far from “business as usual”.
In fact, everyone I’ve talked to recently has a subtly di erent take on what their “new normal” is...
Related to this, and with the pandemic and its ongoing e ects on our chosen industry in terms of lost time and resource top of mind, we have spent the last few weeks assessing how the 2020 Hardware Awards could and should t into this “new normal”.
We remain convinced that there is still a real need to come together this year and celebrate everything that’s great about our industry.
However, we also recognise a need to make up for lost time...
So, we’ve pushed the 2020 program out by a month and made a few changes to help streamline the nal event slightly – and yet retain the all-important
*US model shown
NZ Hardware Journal is published 11 times per year (monthly except for January)
Group editor Steve Bohling
ddi 09 304 2705
Account manager Susan Kennedy
ddi 09 304 2706
Account manager Karen Condon
ddi 09 304 2707
Studio manager Rachel Walker
ddi 09 304 2709
Event manager Nic McCord
mob 021 828 142
Publisher Simon Little
ddi 09 304 2703
Subscription enquiries
Contributors to this issue
Alan Johnston, Andy kerr
Image Centre
Phone 09 375 3097
Lower Ground Level, 83 Mt Eden Road Grafton, Auckland 1023
PO Box 28372, Remuera, Auckland
The opinions and materials published in New Zealand Hardware Journal are not those of the publisher except where speci cally stated. The contents must not be published in any form without the permission of the publisher.
© Copyright 2020 Marketplace Media
2456 • 30/9/2018
networking time!
erefore please note the following
changes to dates (including nomination and entry deadline extensions!) and categories...
A later date for the 2020 Gala Awards Dinner:
Wednesday 4 November at Cordis, Auckland (was 1 October). Don’t forget to book your tickets!
Simplifying the 2020 Hardware Awards categories:
Retail Store of the Year and Trade Store of the Year are no longer broken into large and small.
e key criteria of these two categories is quality of service rather than scale or quantity, after all.
ere are no changes to the Retailer, Young Retailer, Supplier Account Manager or Supplier of the Year categories.
More time with extended nomination & entry deadlines:
Retailer, Young Retailer and Supplier Account Manager of the Year – Nominations close 24 July. Entries close 7 August.
Retail and Trade Stores of the Year – Nominations close 24 July. Judging deadline 4 September.
Suppliers of the Year – Nominations close 24 July. Judging deadline 4 September.
If you have any questions or queries related to the Hardware Awards or anything else come to that, just drop me a line!
Steve Bohling, editor
4 NZHJ | JULY 2020