Page 16 - HW May 2022
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stats watch 1200
Residential building consents – Value – Apr 2020-March 2022
(Total residential consents, incl. adds & alts, unadjusted value). Source: Statistics NZ
1000 2200
2000 900
1800 800
1600 700 1400
600 1200
800 400
600 300 400
200 200
100 0
(New dwellings authorised, unadjusted, number of units, including apartments) Source: Statistics NZ
5500 700
5000 600
4500 500
“March consents take us past 50,000 dwellings for the year, multi-units overtake standalone dwellings”
• Total: $3.3 billion (+27%).
By volume, 5,303 dwellings were
consented in the month (+25.7% on March 2021), 3,000 of which were multi- unit homes, comprising townhouses, apartments, retirement village units, and granny flats.
For the year to date March 2022, consent values were as follows:
• Residential: $22.2 billion (+28.9% on
YTD March 2021).
• Non-residential: $8.5 billion
• Total: $33.5 billion (+27%).
In the year ended March 2022, 50,858 new dwellings were consented (+24% on YTD March 2021), led by Canterbury (+41%), Otago (+34%), Wellington (+26%), and Auckland (+23%).
Most noteworthy again were the 25,475 multi-unit homes consented in the year ended March 2022 (+40% on YTD March 2021), compared to the number of standalone houses consented which rose just 12% to 25,383.
YTD March 2022, the national number of new dwellings consented per 1,000 residents was 9.9, compared with 8.0 in the March 2021 year.
The record number of new homes consented per 1,000 residents was 13.4 in the year ended December 1973.
YTD March 2022, growth in the consent value of non-residential buildings was again driven by factories (+27%), education (+11%) and storage buildings (+15%).
Stats NZ’s April 2022 building consent data is scheduled for release on 31 May while the March 2022 quarter’s Value of Building Work put in Place is due on 3 June, so look to www.hardwarejournal. for the most timely updates.
1000 900
Residential building consents – Volume – Apr 2020-March 2022
4000 2400
325200 300 23000
200 1800 2500
11600 2000
1400 1500
1200 1000
1000 500
800 0 600
400 5500 200
5000 0
4N50o0n-residential building consents – Value – Apr 2020-March 2022 (Total non-residential consents, unadjusted value) Source: Statistics NZ
1000 3500
3000 900
2500 800
2000 700
1500 600 1000
500 500
400 0
300 200 100
14 NZHJ | MAY 2022
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