Page 24 - Hardware July 2019
P. 24

                              Acme Supplies Limited, 09 869 3732,
Acme Supplies represented Rapid, Tajima, Loctite, Sellotape and Inseal to the BuildLink members.
  Aerofast Tiedowns Ltd, 03 376 4028,
Aerofast Tiedowns have been supplying top quality NZ Made tiedowns and bungees to BuildLink stores for years and have recently become preferred suppliers to the group. All Aerofast products are made in Christchurch for NZ conditions.
  Bostik New Zealand Ltd,
09 257 5847, BOSTIK EXPANDA FOAM RANGE. Introducing a complete range of professional grade and general purpose PU Expanding Foams, including gun grade and
aerosol foams, cleaners and foam guns from Europe.
  Build People, 0800 253 775,
Build People had a stonking time at conference, it was awesome to meet the operators as well as mix with the various representatives of key suppliers to the group.
  Cemix Products Ltd, 021 912 402,
Cemix were on hand again, showcasing their extensive product range to the BuildLink group. There was plenty of talk about new products and range extensions for the members.
  CSR Building Products (NZ) Ltd, 0800 277 123,
Manufacturing suppliers of iconic brands – Bradford Insulation, Hebel AAC Systems & Monier Roofing. We are proud to support BuildLink.
  EXPOL LTD, 021 721 855,
EXPOL QuickDrain – the no scoria drainage solution is faster and easier to install than traditional drainage solutions. It is ideal to be used in retaining walls, water logged backyards, landscaping, gardens and perimeter drainage around houses and sections.
  Firth / Dricon, 0800 347 841,
Firth is New Zealand’s leading supplier of Certified Concrete, Designer Paving, Concrete Bricks and Retaining Walls, tried and tested for over 90 years. Its trusted brands include Dricon® the pioneers of bagged pre-mixed concretes, mortars, plasters and sands.
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