Page 38 - SB-Little Prince
P. 38
This story illustrates how Stinky Thinking can sometimes get you what you want... in the short term. Your children should be able to identify the Prince’s Stinky Thinking, “I’m the Prince I should be able to do what I want to do.” Hopefully they will also recognize that his anger is a Not OK emotion. Even though he was allowed to eat pie every meal, his behavior is still Thumbs Down. When others (Doctors) tried to help him see the error of his way, he banished them.
Children and adults who have this type of thinking will “banish” those who do not agree with them. They do this by not associating with or ignoring them or by being passive aggressive toward them. There is little possibility of compromise with a “Little Prince,” who insists on having their way.
You want your children to know when they might act like the Prince. By that we mean that you let them to be made aware of when
they are demanding to get their way. “I see we have the Little Prince” with us today.” These “cues” may get them thinking about their
own Demandingness.
In this part of the story, you can see how other irrational beliefs play a part in reinforcing Stinky Thinking. To illustrate this phenomenon, we use the “Wizard” (additional irrational beliefs). When the Prince faltered in his irrational thinking because of the Doctor’s advice and considered giving up the ice cream and pie diet, the Wizard says, “He must think he is the ruler of this kingdom .” This confirmed the validity of the Prince’s irrational belief that no one should tell him what to do.