Page 13 - Whoos A. Fraid
P. 13

Smartest then began to call down to the younger owls for one of them to try to fly up to him. Well, I was close enough to the young owls to hear the mumbling and grumbling about how hard and scary it seemed to be.
This went on and on until one of them said, “It can’t be that bad. It is what all the successful grown-up owls do. What is the worst that could happen? I might fall but I am on such a low branch that I won’t get very hurt. Besides, I want to see all that Smartest can see.” And with that, he jumped into the air and began flapping.
He went this way and that way and bumped into one branch and then another but finally he reached the branch with Smartest.
“Show off,” grumbled Fraid. “He is just trying to embarrass us by flying up to Smartest. We don’t have to do that. Smartest is just trying to get us to be just like him and I for one don’t want to be like Smartest. I would rather be just the way I am.” Many of the other young owls shook their heads in agreement while the others just looked puzzled.
Well, Smartest kept coaxing the young owls to fly up to him. At the same time Fraid was telling them it was too dangerous and that they did not have to listen to Smartest. Some flew up to Smartest but others hesitated and stayed with Fraid.

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