Page 25 - The Too Birds
P. 25

In our story, we talk about how Too Beliefs” can be limi ng in your life. By telling yourself that something is too di cult or will take too long, you won’t a empt it. By telling yourself that you are too awkward or too unlikable, you may avoid trying to make friends. On the opposite side of this, Too Coin, you may think of yourself as too smart
to have to study or too cool to associate with certain classmates. These are all examples of “Too Beliefs” limi ng your willingness to try things, which are novel or di cult or to associate with others who may be di erent from you.
Looking for the “Toos”
In your S nking Thinking, the Too Beliefs may be obvious or hidden. By resta ng a belief, you are able to understand that what might seem to make sense is really a, Too Belief
in disguise. Once you recognize your Too Belief, try to come up with a Good Thinking challenge to that Too Belief.
Restate the belief to expose the Too belief.
Example: I am not interested in having them as a friend.
(Too belief) I am too afraid that they will reject me if I try to be friendly. (Challenge Even if they do reject me, I won’t die. I have nothing to lose by being friendly.
1. The teacher is not teaching us how to do these problems. She is a terrible teacher. (Too Belief)
2. No one is going to pick me to be on their team. (Too Belief)
3. Mother always expects me to do everything around the house. (Too Belief)
Establishing your “Congress”
Now it is  me to decide who will be part of your Congress to help you with decisions about life. You can select classmates, friends, rela ves and other adults. The main considera on is to select people who have demonstrated Good Thinking and demonstrate judgment you will trust. Decide who you want and then ask them if they would be willing to help. If they are, the next  me you have a di cult choice to make, go to them, explain your issue as it is in reality (without any of your S nky Thinking) listen to their guidance and then use your own Good Thinking to make your decision.
Who will be in my “Congress” (write their names):

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