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Markyourcalendars:SHABoardMeeting|July9th|7:00pm |JonesCreekLibrary
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Newswatch/Website Report – Ed Craig – Ed reported that visits to the website are remaining steady at 2400-2500 per month. Ed noted that half of the pages in the Newswatch are
for advertising and the rest is for neighborhood content. Ed
is requesting and encouraging residents to submit ideas and recommendations for articles to him for publication. The dead- line for articles for the July Newswatch is June 20. If you are not getting your copy of the newsletter, please let Ed know.
Entrance Sign Committee Report –Don –Don received a bid from Dozier Construction of $51,416.00 for building the sign on the south lot. This figure includes demolition and removal of the old wall and bushes. He noted that this is a reputable company that is very willing to take on a job this size, and the construction company owner lives near Shenandoah. The bid is a reasonable bid and is within our budget. JC made a motion that we accept the bid from Dozier Construction and hire them to build the new sign. Kevin seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
New Business –
AT&T 5G Small Cell Towers- Discussions have taken place
at several meetings in recent weeks regarding concerns about safety, property values, and aesthetics. There are currently 6 permits for these towers in Shenandoah, and 3 are already up. The City of BR has placed a moratorium on putting up new ones at this time.
Membership Drawing – A second prize drawing was held for three $50 Monjuni’s gift certificates to be awarded to winners drawn from the 2019 paid members of SHA. The winners were 17831 Chancellorsville, 16246 Chadsford, and 5944 Manassas. The gift certificates will be delivered to the winners. Congratula- tions.
American Flags –The board wishes to thank all of the people who helped put the flags out this year. All of the flag placement volunteers will be recognized in the July Newswatch.
The next monthly business meeting of the Shenandoah Home- owners Association Ltd. will be on Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Jones Creek Library.
Meeting adjourned at 8:42 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Stradley – Secretary
Shenandoah Homeowners Association Page 17