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 Markyourcalendars:SHABoardMeeting|July9th|7:00pm |JonesCreekLibrary
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Vice President’s Report – Don reported that the previous homeowner on the end of Antioch used to cut the grass on the lot where the sign is. SHA will talk to the new owner about mowing it or allowing the SHA to mow it. Don also reported that we received the $629.00 renewal bill for the liability insurance for the front lots on Shenandoah Ave. It will be paid this month. A letter will be delivered to Bodi White formally requesting that he appoint Tyrell Bordelon to the SECPID Board of Commissioners.
Treasurer’s Report - Mike sent in the Treasurer’s report, which showed receipts in May of $144.15. Expenses in May totaled $525.00. YTD receipts total $22,444.94. The Shenandoah Homeowners Association dues remain at $30 per year. Please send in your dues, or you can pay them via PayPal on the website. (
Membership Report –Mike reported that we had 745 paid members as of the end of May.
Security Report –Tom - Tom reported that the patrol stats for May will be published in the Newswatch, but he noted that we had 191 vacations checks, which is a significant increase in the
number of residents who are taking advantage of this benefit of SHA membership. Tom also reported that we have approval to move the school zone sign with the flashing lights to the new north end of the expanded school zone near Malvern Hill. We are still working on a cooperative endeavor agreement with the EBRSO to purchase a hand-held radar gun for the exclusive use of the Shenandoah patrol deputies, which means that all of our deputies will have use of the radar gun when they are patrolling the subdivision. The new camera on Malvern Hill at Altus is now working. The site on Fleetwood at Achord is ready to have the camera installed. The camera at Shenandoah Elementary has been replaced with an updated model, and the old camera will be moved to Antioch at Confederate. That should be the last of the cameras installed this year. The National Day Out Against Crime will be held on Nov. 2 at St. Andrews Methodist Church from 12-3. The next SECPID meeting will be held July 16 at 6:30 at the Jones Creek Library.
Architectural Report –Ken – Ken received a question about restrictions on above-ground pools. He replied that there are no subdivision restrictions against them, but that the city has regulations requiring proper fencing. A resident on Hagerstown wants to put up a tall cover structure for his motor home. He was advised that he will need to get approval from the city and that 3 similar structures have been ordered by the city to be taken down this year. A resident on Monitor wants to build an addition on his house. He asked if there were any restrictions on a 2-story addition. He was advised that there should be no restrictions unless it becomes a space restriction on the lot. He was also advised that he will probably need permits from the city. He will bring plans to Ken for more guidance. Ken also reported that a house on 7 Pines has been turned in to the city for having an overgrown lawn. He noted that grass-mowing issues are now reported to Maintenance instead of to Blight. Ken recommended the improved website the city has for reporting concerns, Redstick 311. Residents can use this website to report concerns directly to the city. The city will provide updates via email.
Beautification Report –Kevin - The “YARD OF THE MONTH” in Shenandoah Estates for July is 5134 Kennesaw. They will receive a $25 gift certificate from Cleggs Nursery. Congratulations! Residents are reminded that they can nominate yards for “Yard of the Month” on the website.
Newswatch/Website Report – Ed Craig – Ed reported that visits to the website are remaining steady at 2400-2500 per month. Ed noted that half of the pages in the Newswatch are for advertising and the rest is for neighborhood content. Ed is requesting and encouraging residents to submit ideas and recommendations for articles to him for publication. The deadline for articles for the
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